Not to be personal, but your life is about to change radically. If God is shaking the old life out of you this much, to this degree... emptying even the loose pocket change of any useless thoughts in your life: You are getting prepared for something radically different. Out with the old, in with the new. Don't know if you even believe Jesus is God, but you have nothing to lose by asking Him where your new door is. Sure the world thinks your down and out, but brother that isn't true. The world gets everything backwards. Your life is important, don't let people's stupid ruin it for you. You are a hard charger it seems. Relax a little and surf the waves you are given and don't try to make them... hang loose, Jason

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Jason, keep fighting/writing. The world needs more of people like you.

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Still here. Every day above ground is a blessing.

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You bless us. Never forget.🎁♥️

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Just subscribed! DO NOT STOP WRITING. This is a direct order. Grateful for your truth.

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Jason, nice play in Citizen Free Press! Go get ‘em..

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Thanks Mike. Appreciate you stopping by.

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Jason, Hang in there. I've been living the same the last 12 years in Austin, TX. I, too, write when I'm not hustling my own sporadic outside honest work for cash from decent individuals [on site car wash/car detail; day labor/clean-up/take down, etc.]. I know how difficult this kind of life is and how it's not what I envisioned for myself past, present, or future. Bottom line, God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit have got me through. Whether or not you're a believer, know that Jesus loves you and God has a plan for you. I'll be praying for you and so will my Bible Study groups. - Straight Christian Man who continues being a Targeted Individual

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Respectfully... Don't let your situation or past drain your confidence. You are talented. Set goals and strive. Don't even give an inch. I see other Substack writers provide links to 'support' their work. This would be a good place to start.

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How can one get ahold of Jason? My wife and I have a nice furnished apartment that is vacant and could help Jason to get back on his feet. We want to help so rent is not an issue. If he is willing to relocate about 600 miles to the south, in a beautiful and peaceful development, we might have what he is looking for at this time.

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Hey, Jason. I retired from law practice in 2018. My situation is different from yours in that I collect Social Security. I can recommend a job: working at a box store. In my case, it's part-time at Home Depot. Good benefits and pay starting around $17.00 per hour. My job is paint counter associate; and, I can promise you that it's a good workout: walking, lifting, climbing, stooping and reaching. I've lost 70 pounds doing this and my health is good at 71 years of age. They're always looking for associates, so the AI threat seems remote for now....at least for these types of jobs.

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Ok....to begin...you speak to having been in the military....so unless you have an egregious characterization of discharge on your DD214, there really is no reason for you to be on the street. Quick search on Google revealed a Supportive Services for Veterans and Families (SSVF) in the county you reside in that will help you get off the street (Call 855- SSVF-411 x857) bearing that....call 1-877-4AID-VET (1-877-424-3838) ask to be directed to you closest VA facility that has a VASH (VA Supportive Housing) program to begin the process of getting housed. Again, if you are a Vet, there are a "plethora" (h/t to 3 Amigos) of resources.....I work for the VA...I've housed homeless vets and now work with justice-involved vets...for those leaving prison/jail...I help them to avoid homelessness....the programs and money to help you turn things around are there....you don't need to be on them forever, only until your circumstances are more favorable.....choice is yours.

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I was honorably discharged with alcohol rehabilitation failure in April 1999.

I will call them - but I don't expect assistance. If I default on federal loan, the govt doesn't take too kindly to that. It's my fault. All my fault.

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My high school wrestling partner and best friend drank himself out of the Marines, went through their rehab, went through private rehab on the outside, and then blew his fucking head off a year later. Glad you're still around.

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If there is a way to speak directly without getting the world to blow up my emai or cell plz lemme know to see how we can assist....

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contact via that email.

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Great info and thanks for your service. We have to also realize that many (including veterans) choose to be homeless whether they admit it or color it with other rationalizations. You can't help those who are unwilling to help themselves.

What I hear in this whole article is a mental imbalance for whatever cause or reason. That might be the best help he could get right now.

U.S. Army retired

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Jason, thanks for the H/T to CFP. Kane deserves the kudos for being a voice of truth, as do you.

And in that note, maybe this comment is worthy of an upcoming exploration?

“Tutoring would have worked but for some interesting things that are going on regarding that system. It is what you think it is.]”

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Did you get your degree from Purdue? Hill Mechanical (family owned contractor) in Franklin Park, IL loves hiring Purdue grads… all of the Hills went to school there… if you’re interested I’d definitely shoot them an email

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I don't sense he is interested in work and writing, just writing. He is a starving writer/artist in which there are millions. Problem is it does not pay much.

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Jason, just as I thought, most comments are (1) empty encouragement with zero tangible help offered, even on a piddling level; (2) your heroically telling the truth is pronounced a failed waste of your time--when such Public Heroism is the very definition of American citizenship!; (3) you should pull yourself up by your bootstraps once again (but do it Successfully this time because I'm telling you something you hadn't considered before!)--when the value of American real wages has been frozen at 1970 levels since 1970!

American conservatives are such sound thinkers, they keep forgetting foundational facts (above) about where their fellow human beings stand in relationship to evil and its deadly plans for All Human Life except the cowards and sellouts..

God Already saved you from misanthropy, when you fit childhood profiles that safely presage overwhelming disabilities, then utter failure and destruction, as you fearfully allude.

These babblers aren't your peers. They aren't qualified to comment on your ongoing struggle to do better than merely stay alive, with the quality thoughts and analyses you share freely with the world. Jason, this is shining substance! You'll state the truth regardless of the price because you--and rare others--feel obliged to Overcompensate for the Rampant Cowardice seen everywhere around them--almost as if it's intrinsic to human nature! (Christians?)

Many of these "useless commenters" need to check their myriad privileges. Christians: There but for the grace of God, go I.

For the above reasons most owe you an apology.

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Do a go fund me or something like that, people are inspired by your writing, so don’t be to proud or whatever, just fucking do it . I wish I could put the words in my head to paper like you do. You ever get to missouri look me up, you can find a place at my table with my family

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Hang in there, bro. If I had to go backe to the US (from Japan) I might not be much better off.

Never been to Florida, but if you make it back down there (or Puerto Rico maybe you could get a gig as an iguana hunter:https://www.outdoorlife.com/conservation/florida-iguana-invasion/

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I saw quite a few! It was wild! They scamper around all over....in outdoor restaurants I thought, "is that on the menu? If I catch it, do I eat for free?"

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Meh. I read between your lines. My take away is...

* You made poor life choices about a profession that didn't cover your bills, and resulted in debt

* You made poor life choices and didn't seek or secure a life partner to share the load and burden of life

* You won't do 'anything' to work... there are literally hundreds of employment opportunities within walking distance of 3 miles of where you are... they are just not jobs you are willing to do. The Employment Security Office can set you up with a daily paid job and a baloney sandwich lunch, cash in pocket. But you probably won't do it.

* You didn't develop a dependable life support network of friends and family in your area.... so move to the support network.

* There are probably 20 food banks/pantry's in your area, and probably all of them rely on local grocery store donations. And if you hang out at them, you'll see the same people hitting them in series taking the 'best' and probably selling that, mostly to pay for heroin... but there will always be plenty of black beans, rice, pork, lima beans, canned milk, and all sorts of stuff people generally choose to not eat. Eat that and live while you work to something else.

* Sounds like you burned through your welfare and unemployment, not grabbing the first job offer that came along, and paid for it. I'm guessing you had two years of not working before you were kicked from your apartment.

* Apparently your career in 'Industrial Engineering' didn't pay off, so you picked 'Writing Profession' - noticeably a profession right up there with Basket Making and Jewelry Design. Hint: don't trade a college degree profession with a profession that requires significant talent to generate a living. You have to be a writer and something else to live on, until you get that break... if you are the one in a million authors.

* You repeatedly state you are not social, not a people person, blah blah. So change, or remain where you are. Adapt or suffer.

And finally...

* Your words have no value if you didn't earn their value. You chose to be a writer, to serve and please yourself, your ego. It didn't pay off. Septic guys make over $25 an hour, trash guys as much. McDonalds pays over $16. If you look halfway presentable, show up to work early and not drunk or high, and do what your boss tells you without argument .... You Will Succeed. Most people refuse to do all those things, and can't get or hold a job. If you apply for 1000 jobs, you'll get at least 30 offers of employment, more if you have talent, skill, and willingness to work.

This is a cry baby 'oh woe is me life is so unfair send me money' article. It's not the Great Reset, Globalists, AI or Illuminati or Biden or Trump or American Lie. It's YOU. You work what you have, what is in front of you as you develop and work toward medium and long term goals. You work the drudge until you show some talent and skill to rise above the 8-to-5, or you remain... a mundane.

You seem to have learned little about real life in your 51 years. Yeah, I'm harsh. You need harsh. Because your condition is your own and It looks to me you won't change it, but are willing to grift to continue your path to failure. The fix is 1) Get any job 2) re-establish you basic living needs, 3) then write while you maintain 1 and 2.

Life and Living is simple and beautiful. It's our own foolishness that makes it complex and ugly.

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Why not take advantage of the multiple levels of welfare until you are back on your feet? That's what it's for. Have you tried McDonalds or other fast food?

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I don't think you're lazy, and you're obviously well-written.

I think you have been sucked into what many got sucked into - that you are somehow part of some arc of history where you can 'do your part' and 'sacrifice' - you certainly have - meanwhile, Kane, Bannon, Poso, Beattie, Trump - they all get richer, selling you this story and sucking you dry of your energy to feed their machines and keeping you engaged so they get their clicks.

We all laugh at videos of TV evangelists, saying 'touch your hand to my hand' and asking that you donate - yet, there is a group of people who have done this with politics (on both sides) and many are left spiritually poorer from it.

You included.

You are a 51 year old homeless man.

You dont care about the debt you've run up as long as the US can right its ship? What?

Do yourself a favor - shut this substack down, get off political websites and X and the rest of it, and get your life straight without distraction. Kane has done nothing for you because fame does not rub off - he gets millions of visitors a month and you have 4 comments on here and are homeless.

Biden, McCarthy, Jordan, Trump - nothing that any of them do will help your situation.

I hope you find a different purpose other than being a serf to this grifting cult they have created.

There will always be another Biden, there will always be another Hunter - there won't always be another life that you lead.

What you are doing left you homeless - maybe you should take a lesson in that.

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“Kane has done nothing for you because fame does not rub off - he gets millions of visitors a month and you have 4 comments on here and are homeless.“

I guess we’re about to see if you are right or just unnecessarily harsh in your tough love message. Stay tuned…

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Someone has to say it - you are encouraging him and his condition and should be encouraging him to have a better life.

This guy is an addict - he is addicted to politics and it's destroyed his life.

You guys are no better than upvotes and like buttons for his dopamine when he should be encouraged to stop doing this and going to get a job.

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Obviously you are no student of history, some of the worlds greatest writers, poets and philosophers have followed the same path as jason, struggle happens, it makes us tougher and better, you must be a trust fund baby

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What a stupid comment - I grew up lower middle class and made something of myself. I've struggled, I lived in my car for my dream for months in southern California, and then I realized - 'I'm living in my car with my dog' so I gave up on my dream for a few years, got my life straight, and then I was able to do my passion and my dream MY way, with my money.

He's not going to be the worlds greatest writer or poet or philosopher - more than likely he will fade into obscurity as homelessness takes over his life and we will have lost him as a voice because no one told him to lay off his addiction and change his life.

Here is a guy who was 135k in debt and said 'I don't care as long as the US rights it's ship' and that as bad as a heroin addict saying 'I don't care if I owe you $50, as long as I get my fix.'

He needs to be told the truth.

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Kyle, many are like you, and abstain from politics because it’s an ugly business. I wish I could.

But I see politics as the battle between God and Satan, and the trouble is that not all Republicans are on God’s side, and not all democrats are on Satan’s side. But knowing who’s side you’re on is all that matters.

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I've run for office, been part of my local and state GOP - but I also recognize that when someone is homeless, 135k in debt, they need people to tell them that it's time to focus on something else, themselves, so they can be of assistance.

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One could argue otherwise, but it wasn't politics. There is a much bigger game afoot than that.

Chapter 3 gratis.

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Also, unlike all of those you mentioned, CFP runs zero ads, and therefore is not making any money from ads. It’s ridiculous that Kane is being accused of getting rich, when he is doing the exact opposite by running CFP without ads.

If CFP or Jason get 4 hits or millions, it makes no difference without ads like it does on other sites. What matters is the truth of the message. People recognize it and want to support it. THAT is the honorable way to make a living from your writing, so if Jason has that skill, God gave it to him and will bless him through it.

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I chased the Hollywood film production dream. Moved to LA. Was continually job hunting, working temp work and got into debt. Not $135K thank God. Finally had to hunker down. Went to a head hunter who said that I would have to do at least a 3 yr commitment to a job or she wouldn't send me out. Did that. Consolidated my debt. Got a 2nd job. Put things in storage, rented a room in a house, not even an apartment, and dug my way out. Even then it took me years to get sorted. At some point you have to wake up and stop kidding yourself.

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I lost my engineering career at 28. I was incarcerated for 27 months. I then lost a golden opportunity to get back in it due to probation restrictions in 2004. I only lucked into a engr job in 2012....after 6.5 years of delivery papers every night while trying to support my mother/sister (who got themselves sideways too). My mom died in 2011. I took it from there. 12 years an ex-con.


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If you think Kane is doing that out of the goodness of his heart and not to become rich (which there is nothing wrong with) you're kidding yourself. Referral clicks, pay to posts, etc., are the name of the game.

God helps those who help themselves - he's 51, homeless, and people don't recognize it or he wouldn't be 51 and homeless. Internet activism is a crowded place, it's like NBA basketball and this guy is playing middle school ball. He would be much better off hunkering down, paying his debt off, and running for dog catcher and that's just a statistical reality.

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CFP is an open forum. No registration needed. Not even a real email address needed.

I challenge you to go to the daily open thread and call him out about “referral clicks, pay to posts, etc.” and see what he says for all the world to see.

Here is the address for convenience:


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Not so free - I got booted from comments there (permanently, apparently) a couple years back for saying something uncomplimentary about Israel - probably mild compared to what many *Israelis* say about Israel...

As if we didn't have enough echo chambers.

Guess Kane would ban Ron Paul, too...


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'To fund the $11,000 a month payroll plus other expenses, Kane turned to his readers in the last two years who, he says, have provided a healthy six-figure revenue stream.'

That's how it works my friend. I challenge you to contact him with $10k to post a link about a project that he agrees with and see if he turns it down - he won't.

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Kane here.

Since you are talking about me...

Perhaps you should learn how the industry works.

In 7 years of running CFP, I have never been offered money to post a story.

Not a single time.

Maybe that's because I don't have a public email, and no one can contact me, but still, facts are facts.

There have been aero offers.

CFP readers have donated approx. $150,000 per year for the past 3 years. And more than 3/4 of that goes to pay my two employees every month.

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Kane exemplifies the very best I've seen in dedicated work and daily surprises on linking to articles and news across the spectrum of topics and political thinking as well.

I believe he works pretty damn hard. Nothing but respect for the time and work you put in. He didn't have to link to this substack ever. But he did. (Maybe a crazy act!)


This is rationale I live under. I will take the consequences. Just so you know.

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Wow, thanks for posting that link. It actually refuted everything you are claiming about him. Those of us who subscribe, do so at nominal individual levels, not lobbyist bribe levels as you seem to think.

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Learn how this industry works. Subscribers is pretty vague. Feel free to offer him 10k and see if he turns it down. He's an influencer and the subscribers often ask to pay for a link to drive traffic.

People said the same thing about Drudge many years ago, 'Oh he loves us, he would never take placed links.' And now, look what happened.

You guys think everyone is some kind of saint who is a true believer. Don't be so naive.

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That's good advice. This guy is living in that fake internet world that no one really cares about except the freaks and grifters.

Get a real skill. Something people are willing to pay you for. I have a GED diploma, but I learned to fly airplanes and was paid well to do so, starting in 1986 when those jobs were hard to come by.

Homelessness is a reality check for dreamers.

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