The MAGA crowd is making a strategic error by idolizing Musk and his Tech Bros. The Democrats are trying figure out how to rally their base for the midterms. Indiscriminate layoffs will become campaign and advertising materials for midterm races and without Trump on the ballot, it will get traction.

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I don't disagree. If the MAGA crowd don't show the finite problem - directly linking people and their actions to their grifts - people will do as predicted.

From my standpoint, I don't idolize - I realize - we needed a massive shake-up. I would like a different "front man" but here we are. This is suppose to run to July 4, 2026. If they produce results and people working inside Trump's admin move towards a Marshall Plan for the United States - a substantial reengineering of infrastructure and energy planning - we may be heading in right direction.

Messaging will determine how this lands.

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She has always seemed fishy to me. But what do I know?

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Lindy Li is practicing her political chameleon craft, not to be trusted. True Lindy Li uncovered here, pls read and share: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ggr2yw4gulrq743qdxq6g/Lindy-Li.pdf?rlkey=k6nf7lqikxw51frq8esaxljiu&st=p7zsvmv9&dl=0

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Thanks for this share!

A real deep dive!

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Shocking piece. (Thank you.) I had until now been completely taken in by Li's story of her recent political change, but you have shown that it is wise to be discerning.

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Just trying.

She is a political strategist - that is her job titling - so she is always playing for a bigger better gig.

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it may have been her miniskirt caught your eye. I like your default opinion: "always think CCP operative" - got that right. But Lindy Li has pulled in a lot of money for starving candidates - that's how China does it. Basically, it's a bribe.

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I once garnered attention from a Chinese gal in 2014 while at Purdue. She asked personal questions to ferret out if I was important or attached to research - I was working outside on my computer. I didn't give her the answers she was seeking - but I convey her to a destination she was attempting to get to - she was eager to get there. Just a few blocks away and I had my car right there. (Those were the days!)

Lindy can gladly seek redemption. Just do it more quietly. Introspection would be good for her.

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The conservative cicuit sure loves to a make splash about accepting "reformed" and former democrats, but is really awful at providing to its own non-existent patronage pipeline for development, growth and support of homegrown conservatives.

Seems every prominent conservative is ex-something else. This is case for even the top level, Trump, Tulsi, RFK... all former democrats. Not to say can't be authentic conversion, more a condemnation of how one sided and how complete the ideological capture is. Makes me wonder how similar were to China/CCP, was goal to just be USA/ uniparty (democrats + rino)?

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Many move on the spectrum. Of course, politics is dirty and opportunistic.

CCP influenced us more than we influenced them.

(DC created an enormous bureaucracy and lobbying machine that taxpayers funded.)

Lots of people who want to be tolerant of everybody. Flipping inside of 2-3 months to a movement that she spent years attacking (political strategist is her titling - that is what she does), is hollow and baseless.

Ideological Subversion is a thing.

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