The truth is, that geo-engineering and 'vaccines' have replaced concentration camps. People had to be forced into the railroad cars - today, they eagerly get their injections and are hooked on their 'smart' phones, preventing them from ever looking into the sky. Maybe the Universe/evolution is saying "the bucket stops here"? We had out chance and blew it. Unable to accept the real reason for our extincton.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Jason Powers

"...many of the most “educated” swallowing ALL the Mass Media propaganda again and again."

The smartest dogs are the easiest to train.

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Jason Powers

Nice summary of reality. I still think CBDCs are a bridge too far which will greatly accelerate the defenses you suggest, and likely open rebellion by entire states, counties and towns.

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how do they plan to get the global cartels to sign onto the CBDC ploy? These guys deal in Benjamins, not digits.

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We cannot "not fund education." If we do that, we simply abandon the poor to even worse depredations by the left. The solution is to strip government of control over how the money is spent.

For each child, parents get an EDC card (Education Debit Card) funded with the money allocated for that child from whichever locality plus whatever Federal funds. Abolish the Federal Department of Education; use that funding to supplement education across the country. Create a web site which tracks each child, legal guardian for said child, and teacher offering classes. Abolish the requirement for "teaching degrees;" reduce it to training certificates for the class(es) being offered and require that only if not a parent. Payment goes to whoever teaches the child - if the child engages in self-study, it goes into a trust fund for the child so parents can't steal it. Payment happens after each child demonstrates proficiency in controlled testing centers in the lesson; subject; overall class ("finals"). Some payment for child attendance, as the teacher is responsible for the child during that time.

Web cams in every classroom save home school, accessible real-time or later only by guardians of enrolled kids. Any teacher may reject / evict any student for any reason. Let specialty teachers arise to deal with problem children. 360 degree feedback on the site - anyone may rate anyone they interact with, publicly visible, no aliases.

"School" may be in existing public owned buildings, but teachers must "bid" on space and cannot be refused / prioritized based on administrative biases. Or, they may use any other model - one-room schoolroom; teachers teach from their own home or those of enrolled children by invitation of parents; etc.

There are real solutions - but it all starts with revoking any power from government and returning it to the parents.

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We don't control the Federal government. I want to abolish a whole bunch of federal agencies. But we don't control any branch at present. I'm not saying defund education - I'm advocating for a whole alternative system that doesn't matter if you're rich or poor. People are gonna face sacrifices & challenges never experienced in living memory. Locals had best figure a way forward to save their community.

There is gonna be casualties (kids that won't get home pooled) because we can't get our country back.

I can't advocate.harder for a complete decoupling from the US federal government.

We have one last chance to elect in federal officials. I am not thinking that will be a solution. So we had better have a plan B or C. And they are all gonna be hard & not what we want ideally.

I understand your position.

And those are good policy & procedural recommendations.

Abolishing requires power we don't have. Create your own alternative (black market economy & education).


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Sep 15, 2023·edited Sep 15, 2023Liked by Jason Powers

"I'm advocating for a whole alternative system that doesn't matter if you're rich or poor."

I agree, and that's just precisely what I propose.

To your point about not having power, I have a solution which is both true and also very dark humor. We should support 100% legal abortion on demand. Why? I would contend that a woman determined to end her own offspring is a sociopath, which has a genetic element. Most (by far) seekers are Democrats. Let them voluntarily opt out of the genetic pool, and in a few generations there won't be enough of either to matter....

Odd that this forum doesn't support the basics like italics for quotes... :)

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Beware of this train of thought:

"Abolish the Federal Department of Education; use that funding to supplement education across the country."

First the Federal part of this is the DOE Dept of Education. (https://www.ed.gov)

This does need to be abolished, and the laws regarding education need to be left to the states (per 10th Amendment of the Constitution). Do not fund the DOE and do not take that funding and funnel it elsewhere where it will be used corruptly, just lower the taxes. The states that manage their state education systems poorly will see the people move out of their state, we're already seeing that in places like California. The states will be forced to figure out funding for themselves. The states that manage education well will not have an issue funding it as they will be inundated with voting parents who care about this.

New York City lost nearly 1 Trillion in managed assets funds, basically a bunch of wall-street related entire businesses left. NYC also lost at least 300,000 people because of all the bad management in their city and state, people are already voting with their feet on education and freedom-related issues. The point is this: Leave it to the states, if the states are bad, people will leave.

"We cannot "not fund education." If we do that, we simply abandon the poor to even worse depredations by the left."

Don't fund it at the Federal level. See above, the states will be forced to figure out funding for themselves.

"The solution is to strip government of control over how the money is spent."

This is part of it 100% I agree, but go further and strip government of the ability to collect the data they need to assist in forcing their agenda, see below.

"Create a web site which tracks each child, legal guardian for said child, and teacher offering classes."

No central database should exist for student education tracking at any Federal or any state level, those will always be breached and the data used against the people by the same people pushing the CBDCs. Once the database exists they will expand it to cover things far beyond education and make those other requirements mandatory. They have done this in the past and the horrible past track record of "mission creep" of expanding that data is enough to prevent those databases from existing in the first place.

One example of this is in Obamacare when they wanted to force doctors to separate kids from parents during medical checkups to ask if there are guns in the home and tie Federal reimbursement of Medicaid to those reports.

No to databases.

"Abolish the requirement for "teaching degrees;" reduce it to training certificates for the class(es) being offered and require that only if not a parent."

This abolition already exists and it's called homeschool. The accreditation boards have already been infiltrated by the "purple haired types" and are affecting the private schools as well as the public schools, homeschooling is the only current viable option. Not having the database mentioned above keeps the gov out of homeschooling.

"Payment goes to whoever teaches the child - if the child engages in self-study, it goes into a trust fund for the child so parents can't steal it."

Don't take the gov money, they will force their will into your homeschool teachings.

"Web cams in every classroom save home school, accessible real-time or later only by guardians of enrolled kids."

No cams in homeschool. Period.

"Any teacher may reject / evict any student for any reason."

Sounds good in theory, but we are already seeing the effects of this where "purple-haired" teachers are kicking kids out of class for Gadsden flags and other such nonsense. I'm glad to see the schoolboard quickly corrected the Gadsden Flag situation, but I've not seen any reports of dismissal of the people who kicked the kid out of class nor any reports of their teaching credentials revoked permanently statewide. I'm not holding my breath on that either.

"360 degree feedback on the site - anyone may rate anyone they interact with, publicly visible, no aliases."

See the Antifa attacks on Andy Ngo, the organizers encouraging the attack got off scot-free, not even a slap on the wrist, the attackers are supposed to pay but will likely face jailtime for lack of payment, which they will likely try to get out of (and may be successful in getting out of it). Even with no aliases, they don't care because they will face no punishments for their actions.

"There are real solutions - but it all starts with revoking any power from government and returning it to the parents."

This is the only solution that works, often times the parents forget they have the power, and there are still many states out there that respect the power the parents have.

Even worse is this:

"We should support 100% legal abortion on demand. Why? I would contend that a woman determined to end her own offspring is a sociopath, which has a genetic element."

Although this is way off the topic of the article. I completely disagree. No abortion. period. People seeking abortion must see the sonograms of their baby (this makes a huge difference), and need sympathy and support to bring the child all the way to term. Many women are scared and some are coerced into this decision by others in their lives. Calling them names and encouraging death to innocent lives is not the solution, support and compassion is the solution. I've seen very similar situations play out in relatives lives so I'm not speaking from afar on this.

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Lots in there, most of which I agree with.

Re the Federal spending - I merely meant that anything which WILL get funded SHOULD go to education - not some faceless unaccountable bureaucracy. Yes, the States should fund it all, but the reality is that the Feds won't keep their sticky hands off of anything. And, in reality, the goal of having an educated populace actually IS one of the few things for which "provide for the general welfare" can be appropriately applied.

Homeschooling is fine, and parents who want to do so should be allowed But not all parents have either the talent, time, nor ambition to do so. My point was to open education up to a cottage industry, and remove the burdensome (and indoctrination-riddled) barrier to entry. If I retire and want to teach a class in computer programming, I don't want to be told I can't do that simply because I was never "blessed" by some leftist prigs in their unholy halls Scam University. There are millions of people out there with real-life knowledge to impart on students that is superior to any "teacher" from one of those fleece-mills.

The whole point of the approach is to deny government the power to decide where the money goes - period. This is key, because so much of it is really illegal campaign contributions (teacher's unions, etc.)

There has to be databases. I'm absolutely fine with not allowing the Fed to control it, but it must be national. Why? Millions of people live on State borders but in the boonies - the closest population centers (where they might find a good "school") just across the border. Let the parents decide. Also, there has to be a consistent way to track to control the payment (some or all of which is held back pending student demonstration of proficiency in the lessons). If you don't measure, you don't know if they are learning (i.e. fraud). However, it should be minimal. A process to verify each person under penalty of prison for both the person registered and anyone illegally registering them. A way to see if one teacher is mysteriously getting payments for hundreds of students. Etc. This must exist to REPLACE the thousands upon thousands of "administrators" sapping funds and providing zero value. Just because you got burned by a stove once doesn't make stoves evil...

"No cams in homeschool. Period."

Agreed - thought I specified that. The PURPOSE of the cams is to enable parents to monitor classes and teachers for foul play.

Purple haired teachers evicting students for Gadsen flags will receive feedback from parents, who will file complaints in the site visible to every other parent. Such teachers will get "fired" (parents will simply pull their children and find another teacher) far more quickly this way than our current system which enables them to stay entrenched forever. Free market...

Re: Andy Ngo. The system disallows any anonymous posts. Accountability through the courts. There will always be abuses of the law; we can't fix that in a software system. Parents can also disenroll any child from any teacher at any time. Because they don't have to say why they leave and the teacher receives no money in advance "for a whole semester," the teacher is simply defunded.

You are free to disagree about abortion. I agree it is an abomination, but that isn't the point. We are losing elections, and therefore losing the ability to set the law and choose the judges and prosecutors, because of this issue. If you want to die on that hill, you will die alone and with no power to shape this country.

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest path to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Jason Powers

Well. Here we are. End times. Jesus is due any day now. The satanists do not win this. Choose your side if you haven’t already.

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I was groomed into this cult from birth.

Please understand that their ideological obsessions a merely another layer of false identity, presented by nonsense monsters spewing weaponized confusion into the public consciousness.

They are pathologically obsessed with control over another human soul, and the values at play here are those of a psychopath - thus it is not control unless you are pushed somewhere you do not want to go, the demands will never cease increasing, and the ultimate expression of control is the humiliation of sexual murder.

Like Lysenko under Stalin, they always hide behind feigned incompetence while efficiently looting and slaughtering millions.

This time they are going for billions.


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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Jason Powers

Please turn of the cloudflare BS. It makes it difficult to view the site.

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Ill see if I can fix that setting....I didn't know that was an issue.

I assume on mobile ...

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Sep 15, 2023Liked by Jason Powers

Cloudflare blocks VPNs. When a site uses Cloudflare it forces people to turn off their VPN in order to view the site. Often it doesn't seem worth the trouble, so it reduces viewership of the site.

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I can't find the setting on this site to shut it off.

But I'll keep trying.

Sorry - I don't controll.

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congrats on the Revolver link. Well deserved

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The Age of Reason and Enlightenment is alive and well. It is a ship which was designed to sail to exactly where it has sailed.

There is a reason that the bible starts where it does. It begins with the two most important principles.

1. Everything comes from God. God is the root of all creation.

2. The temptation to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil - to become God - to no longer obey God's law, but instead create our own through reason and enlightenment - leads to ruin.

The Age of Reason and Enlightenment was a cultural revolution driven by the same group who now drives woke, fraudulent science of all types including climate change, medicine, and vaccines.

Accepting the ideas inherent in that revolution is tantamount to eating the apple in the garden of Eden.

The problem is that reason alone has no foundation. The earliest "enlightenment thinkers" produced philosophies which were not that different from God's and sounded wonderful enough. This was Satan's noble rebellion against the tyranny of heaven. But each successive generation of philosophers showed up and pointed out that the premises upon which the preceding generation had built their towering edifices of logic had themselves no basis in reason. And as each premise was knocked away we inevitably ended up with nihilism because that is all that is left once you remove God as the foundation for everything.

This is the story Milton wrote in Paradise Lost. He understood what was happening way back in 1667 when our modern Babylon was just getting under way. And he understood where it would end too, and tried to warn us. We didn't listen.

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