One has been quiet lately. Sometimes it is hard to express anything useful in a time when things are obviously bad to an overwhelming array of people (from all walks of life and from all political stripes). That one can’t get their well-paid and high-powered political, bureaucratic and corporate interests to do logical things towards keeping the Age of Reason and Enlightenment alive. And, of course, that has been discussed by so many – the world agenda afoot, the climate con being run. From those discussions had, the ultimate conclusion drawn is: those aforementioned groups are compromised and corrupted to ignore the long-standing framework of Western ethics to explicitly hustle their ideological ends and to ignore (and hell-be-damned-to-those-that-oppose-them) the lesser-titled human beings who do not share their Marxist-Fascist, cult-like world agendas. This writer is working to tell that story in full – earlier iterations exist of that trek - and while the high-level is routinely expressed by smarter and more influential folks (below), the present and pressing opportunity is to offer solutions (alternatives) to this global agenda.
Fragile Beginnings of The Resistance
Many have begun this path already through creating a marketplace locator, title lock on homes, or moving their news content to Rumble from YouTube. (We need to be careful lauding Rumble; if they allow the BlackRocks & Vanguards to own and impose their ESG platform through board seats).
We need to be hypervigilant regarding ESG, DEI, and the critical theorists in whatever “branding” these forces will toggle to next. These forces are not resting until they take down every last business and institution that makes America, America. Just winning battles against Bud Light, Target and getting a few mandates squashed is not going to win this worldwide war on individual rights and liberties. I am not saying these battles are meaningless; I am saying we can’t celebrate them, and thereafter rest on these short-term laurels. (The Rothschilds are ready to create another label for ESG.)
It is not just a cultural, economic, or institutional one; it is an all-in-spiritual war by Global forces against all Humanity. Does one want to keep our Western values – of liberty, justice and free enterprise – alive? Does one want to practice their deeply-held beliefs, raise their family to those beliefs, and have limited governance over their person, or not? Then know the score and work tirelessly to fight this Globalist Leverage Buyout of Humanity. Because that is at the crux of what these powerful people are after – the takeover of every last institution and resource on this Earth. Thereafter, perverting or destroying it as it suits them.
Institution: Education
To win this, we have to recreate our educational and financial systems first and foremost. Why?
Because WE MUST take our children out of the brainwashing centers that are pumping them with ACTUAL disinformation about sex (the salient topic: gender identity) as one substantial example that is tied into all others.
The teachers, librarians, “social workers” and administrators inside these indoctrination centers have made this their ideological hill to die on. These aligned forces have unbelievable amounts of institutional power – operating through state governments in California to the federal agencies in Washington D.C. [EOs #14075, 14021, 14020, 13988] – to make parents slaves to their illogical and ideological whims regarding their care and education of their children.
Teachers unions, the ultra-friendly DOJ/FBI and politicians have targeted parents and lawyers that fight their extremist policies through use of Stasi intimidation tactics, the labeling of parents as “domestic terrorists,” and not wanting their kids sexually assaulted at school by a “transgender” or silently transitioned without notification given to a parent. (Giving children “medical adult rights” that these minors neither understand nor can adequately use to fend off the government when it obviously goes too far. This is a Marxist tactic – with historical underpinnings regarding the destruction of the family unit – instead of exploiting women, this particular time, the STATE is using the child against the PARENTS to achieve the same end. It is sick and perverse beyond belief.)
Many teachers – shamefully – have gone along with this without an ounce of critical thinking or logical understanding that THEY are not parents to their pupils; and their position is not to become one, ever. (Boundaries – something many of these same teachers cry about routinely – do not apply to their own seducing behaviors regarding minors that lack the mental and legal capacity to make permanent and life-altering decisions.)
One must ask: How would these teachers have felt if someone imposed such ideas on them as children? And if such happened: why are they reinforcing that cycle onto an innocent child without the intellectual capacity to fight back against this?
Add to this discussion: The books foisted on minors that are actually pornographic – intentionally – to sexualize a kid, a criminal intent that has somehow escaped local law enforcement’s purview.
Why is that? Who among the LEOs want their children facing these same techniques? Why are these LEOs placating this? Why is the medical field going along with this as well? Incentives? Indoctrination? Ideological?)
So, with all this said, the time HAS ARRIVED to create and make it the NEW mission to pull these children (and even young college adults) away from these Marxist-generating outlets. Stop funding them. Stop using them. And create a network of Home Pooled Schools. (Generate an educational framework that is focus on critical thinking and not memorizing facts and Marxist tropes. A Personal MUST: Rip out anything Bill Gates has remotely funded or touched. ALA hired a Marxist to run the operation. This is being lauded by the Barbara Bush Foundation.)
Moms for Liberty may need to toggle their long-term efforts – now with their organization built up to fight the largest educational unions in the United States – towards creating a highly competitive educational system utilizing all their intellect, resources and motivations to make such succeed quickly. I cannot tell Moms what that will ultimately look like – but they have the energy and personal investments (their own children) to make such happen. This too is merely one option; but I see it as a logical one to build off the momentum acquired.
One knows the push back point here. Too many parents are deathly scared to do this. I get it. One has a job and a life and the convenience of an overpaid blue-haired babysitter spouting Marxist talking points to your 9-year-old is nearly irresistible. And one still believes in the good in all people. Believe they can’t be all that bad – they drive the same vehicles; eat the same places; and even watch the same stuff on TV that one likely watched last night.
But what one is not getting here: the Mass Formation progression of the last decade put people into silos or camps with many of the most “educated” swallowing ALL the Mass Media propaganda again and again. The Globalists kicked that into high gear, back in 2012, with Smith-Mundt Modernization to propagandize U.S. citizens 24-7. The intelligence agents – like an Anne Appelbaum – who pushes this Global agenda onto the most “intellectual” masses with glee. Many of these intellectuals just don’t see beyond the lies and bullshit. One could consider a psychological profile of these individuals exists; or at least: for the people running this Mass Formation program.
These intellectuals are hypnotized to hate and won’t listen to logic, reason, and this leaves aside the incentivization of their position to keep believing (or selling) this destruction to others - who they feel are inferior to them intellectually. Their excuses nearly always revolve around politics and personalities that they have substituted into the place of research and reasonable doubt of their favorite media people’s State-backed messaging.
(By the way, I wasn’t active in the political arena five years ago. I saw indeed the degrading of our country – but I wanted to believe people were smart enough to want to fix it. This was wishful thinking that no one would destruct our country on purpose. I was wrong to believe such politically ambitious forces don’t want our destruction. Curley Effect.)
Lastly, education is paramount to getting a fresh crop of Patriots to fight the Worldwide Agenda.
Institution: Economic, Financial & Monetary
This topic is more complex, and others have advocated well about the answers based on their breath of knowledge and experience about people, businesses and free enterprise. At the heart of it lay a barter-local monetary system and a freedom cell network of trusted individuals that protect themselves “off the grid” from these craven Globalists.
Localism HAS TO BE at the beating heart of any substantial solution – to work alongside the educational network in one’s humble opinion. Decentralized – with a loose collection of organized cells – that must be nimble, have similar values, but standalone inside a geographic region. Sound familiar? – it is very similar to the United States model of governance, a diffusion of powers, but aligned, when needed, to defeat a common antithesis: who hates the structure of the U.S. Constitution.
Because the internet and technology is entirely in the hands of our doggedly determined conflict partners that can weaponize finance against anyone at any time. Their global control of technology has warped the world at-large as seen vividly from 5th generation unrestricted warfare tactics in the US-Russia Ukraine proxy war to the Canadian truckers through to individuals that trade in precious metals or speak out against regimes around the world.
The hyper-centralization of internet-based systems gives those at the very top (financial entities attached to Central Banks, Wall Street, and hereditary peerages across the globe) a strangle hold on people through a “social credit score” prototyped in China for the last decade; and will now roll out in the form of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) to the rest of the world very soon. One surmises (logically) that CBDC will inevitably restrict what one says or does about the government; and constrict what one buys and does with a 100% programmable CBDC. (EO 14067)
This CBDC thus equals a total monetary and social control system. The Globalist endgame is to replace the prior Bretton Woods system (in operation since 1944) as it dies off in a fiery collapse of the $330 trillion world debt (and growing) Ponzi scheme. These Globalists are siphoning up the key assets from the common population to complete their Leverage Buyout. Others have shown in detail the disparity in housing ownership and how this has led to a Neo-feudal bubble.
This is why these Global, Marxist-Fascist criminal hucksters offered up UBI, reparations, loan forgiveness, while printing trillions (US) since 2020 (and ZIRP since 2009) as their preferred policy. One, this was to buy off their deployed useful idiots (Antifa, BLM). Two, it destroyed free enterprise – at the local level – as the pandemic was a useful weapon to do this (essentiality). Lastly, this hastened the Bretton-Woods demise as the Globalist shifted into their preferred totalitarian model – Chinese tested! – for the entire planet, thus the suspension of rights through emergency powers (governors & agencies working hand in glove). The geopolitical “blocs” being developed (the new multi-polar world) will differ little in its overall operation from 1984’s Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia.
[Additionally, this covers up more sadistic crimes against humanity.]
To survive this, people must build up their mutually beneficial trading systems regarding business enterprises and vital human resources (food, water, energy) at the local level. Find ways to onboard their local LEOs (which should be manned by trusted people) to protect their interests best they can. Stop taking federal or even state financial backing. (It is that dire – if one takes their money, one is naturally beholden to the politics and policies located OUTSIDE your locality. Make it clear to your elected leaders to KNOW what they are doing. Or: remove them from office - and void all the funding as this operates as a form of debt entrapment.)
Even with this maneuver, challenges and infiltrators will attempt to destabilize and destroy these localized attempts. And the federal law enforcement goons will be deployed in any case through a manufactured crisis, their go-to move as COVID proved out. Many state governors operate directly for the World Economic Forum and/or CCP’s interests. This is known by who goes to Klaus’s Davos conferences and who is friendly with CCP folks at the federal, state and local levels. Research your local, state and federal officials – and create a mental list of who is not on one’s side.
If one does nothing, one will be even more of: a number; a “useless eating” human cog; an erasable being that has no liberty and no rights to be respected. These folks do see people as merely numbers on a spreadsheet or in an AI-connected algorithm that they will ultimately control (3:27).
That is also their parasitic goal – and many will laugh and smirk at this proposition, because they undoubtedly think they will be treated better – becoming technocrats with their high levels of “education” as their value proposition. Funny as this sounds, most of us have been trained to do all the hard work to provide the essential data into these centralized networks – our cell phones tracking of everywhere we go and what we say, bank card usage towards what we buy, the convenience of other “social” networked systems that we access without much thought given to them (until recently) being used against us. [And that was ALL by design as well.]
One is to be the 100%–controlled Globalist product – to be bought and sold like a slave into their newest PONZI SCHEME. Right now, that is AI.
AI is the next big thing to these malevolent forces at work. With robotics, genetic engineering and AI congealed together alongside surveillance drones, cameras and other control mechanisms (in beta release), the “NET ZERO” carbon plan these Globalists Parasites preach, like a cult mantra, is targeted directly at us expendable humans. One need not dive into climate numbers to know: ONE IS the CARBON they seek to zero out permanently. (Bill Gates told us and show as much.)
The importance of informing others and building out trust networks will ultimately define whether we can defeat this sinister plan.
To be brutal: many will never ever see the light. Historically, people were loaded onto boxcars going to the Nazi camps in Europe, or pushed forward into a suicidal battles by the Soviet Communists, and didn’t resist this wholesale; rather, the thought was participating was not going end badly for them, if they just complied and did their best. The cognitive dissonance one can hold onto to the very end of life is a discussion in and of itself.
The truth is, that geo-engineering and 'vaccines' have replaced concentration camps. People had to be forced into the railroad cars - today, they eagerly get their injections and are hooked on their 'smart' phones, preventing them from ever looking into the sky. Maybe the Universe/evolution is saying "the bucket stops here"? We had out chance and blew it. Unable to accept the real reason for our extincton.
"...many of the most “educated” swallowing ALL the Mass Media propaganda again and again."
The smartest dogs are the easiest to train.