I'm good at this game. I can pull pieces and leave the next in peril. I never knew it had a name. Now I know. Jenga. And now I speak Swahili. Well, one word of Swahili. Kujenga - to build.

An anonymous quote :

This is a strange game where the only winning move is not to play.

How to not play Jenga? So it tumbles down upon itself? Anti-Jenga. To unbuild.

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I've thought about this some more. Jenga is already Anit-Jenga. The goal is to strategically pull out the pieces one by one until the toppling of the structure becomes inevitable.

Pulling out the pieces one by one. Until self-demolition becomes inevitable via the laws of leverage and gravity. The weight of the structure is its own destruction. The sheer mass. David and Goliath. Leviathan. The 1% hold all the resources. Top Heavy. The inverted pyramid crushed under its own weight. Pull the bottom piece. Could this be why there is no capstone on the pyramid on the dollar bill? Hmmm...

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