Trump Dares to be a Daniel.

A popular Revivalist Hymn:


A lesson from the Old Testament:


Applied for modern times:


Trump is imperfect. He is not as pure in his faith as Daniel was. But he possesses Daniel's inner strength to prevail over the conniving designs of evil, ungodly men. We who believe in truth, that it shall set us free must also Dare to Be Daniel's! We will become even more powerful if we fully embrace God as Daniel did. Powerful enough to stand alone in a den of hungry lions and remain unscathed.

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...Or Trump is playing his part in the globalist's kabuki theater and plays the part of the 'underdog' so that people (who have a moral sense of justice) rally to him. This possible ploy's benefits> 1) Divides and conquers the population about Trump and the election while keeping attention away from our collapsing culture, war with Russia, the WHO takeover, the transhuman agenda in all its forms. My nagging suspicion? Trump has his luxury underground bunker all set when the false flag is launched. And maybe I'm dead wrong ...hope so...but he did 'pied piper' his base to get the jab 'It's great!"...falling in line with the globalist objective. "Give them candy Trump ...as much as they want...your job is just to get them into the car." 75% vaxxed in this country.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Jason Powers

also... you gotta ask..how is it that 'NYC street wise Trump' with access to ALL experts (RFK Jr tried to tell him) didn't figure it out but 25% of us did just by using critical thinking? All he had to do was check on the background of Fauci, Brics, etc...I just can't buy he was 'led astray/pressured/lied to'. Isn't he Trump because he thinks faster and deeper than the con artists? I do think we have to stand up for justice for him (or anyone being railroaded by the system) but I don't think we should assume he's beyond questioning.

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I don't disagree. I have my very serious doubts. I don't know what he knew about the shot - many people around him had BIG reasons to keep him in the dark.

- he is a germaphobe (at least was asked that once)

- he can be the Trojan Horse or has he's just been misguided by aides

- Various people have noted his flexible principles - he wants to deal make. (to be liked?)

- Ego ---that ultimate is the ruin of all.

Divide n rule is aspect too.

IS there anyone that can unite this country that the DC Apparatus wouldn't just knock off or lawfare into oblivion?

Lots of craven a-holes (that pretend to assist Candidate A, B, C) that don't care one iota.

Its a discussion that is ONGOING.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Jason Powers

Yes...! but this is my take...

~ There were people... media, doctors, bosses, friends, family that tried to keep us in the dark too and we fought them figured it out anyway.

~ He may be a germaphobe but a good leader is not making decisions for 300M people based on THEIR issues.

~ Misguided by aides?...he KNEW he was in a snakes den...he needed to talk to people outside of it.

~ There does seem to be an ego seeking approval..."They like me." Again not a trait of a strong leader.

I'm no Trump hater, I just look at the evidence and it doesn't add up that he's our man. Sadly, my money is on Trojan Horse.

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We don't know the entire story...and he doesn't seem able or willing to tell it.

The vaccines were ready by February 4, 2020. (Moderna)

The EO in September 2019 gave 10 federal agencies broad powers on pandemics, vaccines production...

Question is: WHO wrote that EO for Trump to sign?


Did he order that up to be THE policy on future pandemics? Or Did he get told how great this would be to prevent them? THAT would be a tell.

Did he know anything about the pandemic by Nov 2019 when intelligence sources were squawking loudly about SARS COV 2?

If not, why not? (Impeachment was a convenient distraction...right?)


And viruses exist - but this one was 80% propaganda and 20% reality.

Propaganda scared and impacted everyone under that emergency order.

The vaccine was the BIGGEST MISTAKE. Alters millions of lives.

I want the answers too....but the media attacks - and doesn't get the illumination on the who, what, when, where and how we got to here.

No one asks the right questions that HE would KNOW or his Chief of STAFF better damn well know. Mark Meadows didn't take over until 3/31/2020...right after being in the House. Mick Mulvaney would be the Real knowledge holder.

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