"While no one is completely cognizant of what truly drives all these Powerful and Positioned to group think like clones of the worst mass atrocity makers"


Our Luciferian overlords and their death cult press forward, slowly boiling the frogs in a pot of steadily increasing temperature. Even if the useful tools don't know it, those at the top clearly serve their master and aim for their #GreatWork advertised as the #GreatReset

Your science and logic and maths run parallel to the spiritual battlefield. But the root cause is rebellion against God.

There will not likely be a mass awakening, as far as I can tell, until Jesus returns. Then every knee will bend and every head will bow.

Prepare accordingly. Network. Pray. Get out of the cities. Now. There's still time.

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Very true...the unstated was stated by structure.

I do a far bit of praying and channel whatever thoughts into this.

Thanks for the advice.

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Thank you for sharing your work. I love this kind of research!

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You have the courage to write what many of us have been thinking. Nice work.

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