thanks for doing the heavy lifting

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Oh nothing hard here.... Attkisson did the yeoman's work to compile for years the "intentional" information warfare against 45. But I have to gather these sources in a couple places so I can reference them to a place(s) somewhat safe....nothing online is....which is why I gotta put these in paperback or hard book form. In case, we go backwards - a long way.

No guarantees on any front.

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One of the things that amazed me was how much of a free pass Louie Freeh received on his participation in the Biden Corruption . Hunter's laptop shows former FBI Chief, former Federal Judge Louie Freeh hard at work as one of the leads on the Burisma project.

Freeh's email traffic documents his using FBI contacts to advance Burisma's interest in purchasing "Biden Influence" as Burisma described the objective. Freeh's emails also discuss other ventures with the Bidens.


LOUIE FREEH – Hunter’s facilitator

Many wonder how Hunter Biden could have done so much and gotten away with so much without running afoul of either the FBI or the mainstream press.

The answer may have been staring at us for more than four years………. Louie Freeh, former head of the FBI, Former Federal Judge and partner in a small, low profile-high power law firm and Christopher Bois, another high powered DC lawyer with wide political connections, were onboard Team Biden.

Freeh served in the FBI from 1975 to 1981 and then joined the US Attorney’s office in NY. In 1991 he was appointed as a Federal Judge. In 1993 Clinton appointed him FBI Director where he served through 2001. His tenure as FBI Director included expansion of cooperation with European and other nation’s law enforcement agencies and the CIA.

Subsequently he became a partner in the law firm of Freeh Sporkin & Sullivan and the consulting firm Freeh Group International Solutions aka FGIS. In 2020 with rumors of the Hunter Biden laptop emerging FGIS was “acquired” by Alix Partners and, according to the announcement, Freeh would no longer practice law. ( footnote)

Email correspondence relating to the Burisma Deal provides a lot of insight into the workings of Hunter and the gang, including Louie Freeh.

((( Note – the first 8 digits of the file id are YYYYMMDD )))

1. Devon Archer makes contact with the head of Burisma and gets briefing on their problems. https://bidenlaptopemails.com/email.php?id=20140306-084615_126680

2. Devon Archer ready to present Burisma opportunity briefing.


3. Hunter signs documents to become Burisma Director


4. Hunter recommends that Burisma hire Boies Schiller to assist in resolving their legal problems.


5. Hunter and pals off to meet Burisma in Europe


6. Startup meeting with Boies Schiller and discussion with Burisma


7. Conference with Hunter and others to discuss Hunter’s role balancing what he can do without raising political problems .


8. Update on the Burisma project. Note in the email from Burisma wanting confirmation that they would be delivering “Biden Influence” .


9. Hunter and Blinken meeting arranged. Hunter will be escorted from the curb and into the State Department through a special entrance, most likely avoiding signin and video


10. Blue Star Strategies shares notes from briefing of VP Joe Biden prior to Ukrainian trip to demand the firing of the prosecutor. Blue Star, a very high profile Democratic consulting firm, is participating in the briefing of the VP while being retained to represent Burisma through Boies Schiller.


11. After Hunter’s first discussions with the head of Burisma the firm responded with a very positive note asking for details on how they could receive “Biden influence” . Hunter and gang responded with a lengthy but very general description of their approach to resolving their problem (criminal charges which could lead to seizure of their properties).

Burisma responded that they were troubled by the very general proposal that lacked specifics. But then they went on to note that, “ the proposal may have been worded out of caution and that as long as everyone understood the true purpose they were ready to proceed. “

12. Boies Schiller had been involved earlier and after the exchange Hunter’s associate Walker and Boies Schiller counsel met with Louie Freeh to map out a strategy. Freeh indicated he was ready to go and was already reaching out to contacts. On June 21, 2016 Freeh wrote to Hunter and team that he was working his FBI contacts and ready to involve more. https://bidenlaptopemails.com/email.php?id=20160621-214213_99759

13. Freeh Updates Team Biden By July 15, 2016 (less than 4 months before the election) Freeh is reporting back to Hunter and the gang on his activities including meetings and calls plus contacts with the a number of FBI employees seeking their help and participation in the mission. Note high level contacts within the FBI “are interested in meeting the client.” https://bidenlaptopemails.com/email.php?id=20160715-075407_102132

14. Freeh Donation To Halle Biden Trust – It appears that in 2016 Louie Freeh made a $100,000 donation to a trust for Halle Biden’s children. From this email it appears that the donation was made casually and then a year later they wanted to properly document the transaction, so Freeh was to write a new check and presumably receive a refund of the previous donation.


15. Louie Freeh Exits Practice of Law Around the time the FBI became aware of the Hunter Biden laptop and that they could no longer deny its existence, Louie Freeh suddenly decided to exit the practice of law and monetize his contacts through another vehicle. The announcement that Freeh would no longer practice law appears to be very unusual. https://www.alixpartners.com/newsroom/former-fbi-director-louis-freeh-joins-alixpartners/

NEW YORK (Aug 3, 2020 Three months before the election) —AlixPartners, the global consulting firm, today announced it has acquired Freeh Group International Solutions LLC (FGISP leading global risk management firm, expanding its premier global investigations practice. The transaction, effective immediately, sees FGIS team members joining AlixPartners and is complementary to the firm’s investigations, compliance, and cybersecurity capabilities. The acquisition will add a new AlixPartners office in Wilmington, Delaware.

As part of this transaction, Louis J. Freeh will step down as Senior Managing Partner of the affiliated law firm of Freeh Sporkin & Sullivan, LLP, and will no longer practice law.

“Will no longer practice law” may have been an effort to minimize the significance of acts which could have resulted in disbarment or criminal prosecution.

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And his partner Eugene Sullivan was a advisor to the First Wall Street Capital - along with R. James Woolsey - that held financing on Magnolia LNG. A project that CEFC/CCP were highly interested in... and lo and behold, FWSC business floormates, STARR Companies Rick Niu was emailing Hunter about the CEFC Project White Light (LNG projects) and as late as March 2019 wanting Hunter to keep in touch.

There is intel, top tier law firms, former directors like Freeh, and Chinese/Ukrainian spies/moles/facilitators all over Hunter.

Bidens are the biggest whores and traitors in US History. I would put money on that.

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thanks again for your spot on comments. Really interesting to me that after the FBI had the laptop Freeh fled to a private company and announced he would no longer be practicing law. He relentlessly exploited his FBI contacts on behalf of Hunter and Joe’s corrupt projects. Highly recommend search for Freeh emails from Hunters computer.

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I look a a few -- mainly tying in Sullivan.... when I get off the road today,

I'll attempt to do a post that explains what I have noticed further.

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I have the link to the email search engine


on my "menu bar" for easy reference when a subject arises.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by Jason Powers


Here’s Hunter and gang trying to do a $2.6 BILLION favor for banking giant JP Morgan Read up from bottom most email. In this case Hunter is working with Boies Schiller gang (also in on Burisma) and they are setting up meetings with high ranking Congressional staff. The beauty of this deal is that the “favor” will not come in the form of funds or grants from the government but rather through tax credits buried deep in a 1,000 page return and with a letter from someone high in government agreeing with the transaction. In their correspondence they note that Congress intended that the banks making billions off the TARP program would not receive these credits. Again read up from bottom skipping the boilerplate.


With thanks to Marco Polo-the link is to their collection of 125 thousand of Hunter’s emails.

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JP Morgan is involved in these LNG deals....

I will share later the mapping of this. (Glenfarne Group)

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