Good post.

The 1000 year Reich was just relocated to the U.S. and other world governments, via Operation Paperclip. They have been alive and well, behind the scenes and as we are seeing more and more, have evolved to understand that they can gather more power if they partner with the globalists, whom they may be ideologically at odds with, but can help further their reach.

Here's another litmus test. Watch the reactions of the intel/deep state/nazi talking heads and their media lap dogs, when either Trump or Ramaswamy mention dismantling the intel bureaucracies.

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"paid with U.S. tax dollars to hate their country and push their ideological tropes"

It is what they do: the Marxist. We as conservative live in the private world. The Marxist live in the public world (and it's, .gov). I hope if Trump wins, and he at least starts to slay the Leviathan. A lot of this silliness, evilness would wither on the vine without taxpayer monies.

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