Mar 26Liked by Jason Powers

As a physician, I noticed an entire branch that could be added to this diagram.

First disempower the physicians by incentivizing big hospital systems to buy up their practices (rewarding or punishing them with CMS money)

Control their practice patterns by protocols written to “suggest”decision making, audit the hospitals to assure compliance with protocols

Advance extenders (nurses and PA’s)to assume greater responsibility and privileges, categorize all as “providers” so the public does not recognize the difference

Perform routine pandemic exercises required by government to normalize the idea of pandemics

Require all personnel to be vaccinated each year

During pandemic REQUIRE that the government protocols be followed, control off label use of drugs for early treatment, threaten licensure for any who deviate.

Eventually, provide only algorithm based medical care eliminating need for critical thinking physicians.

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Mar 26·edited Mar 26Author

That's a big piece - really shows a concerted, well-designed effort, by people who you would like to have a talk with....in an examination room, not of their choosing.

Damn. That is a summary!

All these govt-connected institutions have players - agenda enforcers to create such havoc in them. Medical & HEALTH is an attack-war vector.

Thanks for that insight.....I felt it in my recent interactions, but couldn't ever explain it from the viewpoint that one would need to see it routinely in operation. Plus, I never went to the doctor for like over a decade....until early 2023....long story.

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Mar 26Liked by Jason Powers

Remember what Mao did to the doctors and lawyers, first

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The great replacements that are being funneled into western countries are not going to play ball as the globalist believe.

They’ve been given special preferential privileges and treatment, they’re not going to give up the free money plus all the other freebies without a fight.

When you drill a section of society into believing they are above others who have lived and built up those societies then they’re not going to embrace having that rug pulled from under them.

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deletedMar 25Liked by Jason Powers
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Mar 25·edited Mar 25Author

And I wish it wasn't so... I can't even believe this occurring, but it is.

I pinch myself - and see how oblivious others act - and figure am I just too different in this regard. But I see others, lots of us, that didn't take in all the bad programming, and have adjusted our minds to really see it clearer now.

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deletedMar 24Liked by Jason Powers
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Sometimes I am.

I imagined this one like a Hollywood scene where the evil character tells the good guy all about the plan.

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