Your article illustrates perfectly why teaching a slave to read was punishable by death in the 19th century. Oh how the GEPpies long ardently for those good ol' dayz....

Thanks for your frankness and humor. I smiled and laughed as I read. Your mother sounds like a very good soul. Rare indeed. I look forward to more from you...

God Bless. From one HEN (Homo Eatus Nonimportus) to another.

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"We know who the useless eaters are." I keep thinking that's what I want to do. Expose them for what they truly are. Drag them out into the light for everyone to have a good long look.

To shame them. When I've said this, people recoil as if shame is not to be used as a tool. Why not?

Because we are all ashamed of something and we all try and hide it? Who cares?

Not that I think psychopaths are shamed in the same manner non-psychos are shamed. But they are desperate to hide their true nature. Like serial killers who go to great lengths and expend vast amounts of energy in creating a facade to hide behind. A facade of "normalcy."

The shame a monster feels when exposed as monstrous. A monster who can no longer hide.

The human monsters flash each other the hand sign of hornuto. It is a symbol of the creature they most closely emulate - The Horned Sand Viper. A snake that hides itself in the sand until unsuspecting prey innocently comes in close and then the viper leaps from its hiding place and strikes and kills and consumes. That is their symbol. That is who we are dealing with in human form.

I don't think shaming the monster is the worst we could do.

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I do not believe shaming will work unless it is combined with legal overthrow.

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Agreed. That would naturally follow.

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Not all that walks in the guise of man is human. And that’s the problem. We assume these beings without a conscious are as human as we are.

Maybe the aliens landed a long time ago and are terraforming our world and us as we speak. The evidence speaks for itself.

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Except there is no evidence, so evidence speaking for itself is difficult.

I've met many humans who are without a conscience (I think that's what you mean rather than conscious?).

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Yes, thank you for clarifying my writing. I’ll be more careful next time.

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There's a reason the GEP's don't want us useless eaters to have firearms as well... They FEAR our use of firearms against them.

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Jason, this is the first post of yours I’ve read. (A link at Citizen Free Press directed me here.) Impressive! I thought I might be the only one who noticed the monstrousness of the GEP’s. (My label for them is “the Davos club”) You articulate it well. My reaction to their basic philosophy is usually “What the hell is wrong with you people?” That also goes for anyone who accepts them as serious thinkers which apparently includes most of our governing class. Keep beating that drum. And keep eating.

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I got tired of calling them Globalists or the Davos club. Seemed limiting, LOL.

What the hell is wrong with you people....sentiments exactly....but then its the feature, not a bug.

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Sounds a lot like “workers of the world unite- throw off your oppressors”. What’s the difference between US cutting off the queens head and the French revolutionaries who did it?

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Read the Declaration of Independence....

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.


But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.

Revolutions may be thing of the past. 97% are very contented to keep on living the lie.

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did we behead Hillary? 🤞

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Do you deny that your own actions put you into prison?

Do you deny that your own actions wrecked your life?

Is writing angry blogs your way of blaming others for your own actions?

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Nope. & Nope & Nope.

(And I got my punishment. I improved on that - and never been back. 80%+ go back within 5 years.)

But I notice, fairly, that while I can be held to all sorts of account for sins great and small (and I've taken every L in that path), our elected and unelected overseers don't quite ever get held to any account.

Or do you just ignore that?

So that's the problem we are at - at this moment.

This is tame for angry, BTW.

Maybe too blunt for you.

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