Anyone who points out the US venal wars of the last 50 years, the explicit hypocrisy and destroyer of independent societies who wanted to go their own way, is ok in my book. Maybe China wants to be the next boot on the face. Maybe they think differently to Western analysts psychoprojections. All I know is that this empire I live in is wall to wall lies. To gain any semblance of a reference point outside this echo chamber of how the future will view the post world war 2 years I have to go read Maria Zakarova's press conferences, Lavrov, that Chinese FM, which is nuts. But they are talking in ways and from perspectives that are decades in the unfolding, centuries in the manifesting from the past to here and onwards. There is a basis in a common ethic that your behaviour to me should be as I behave toward you. If you try fcuk me that's not nice.

Comparatively there is no clear thinking inside the city walls here, just like a junkie with no fix has no clear perspective on the subtle nuances of Dali's art. Everyone is jacked up on psychosis martyr complex self hating can't stop consuming mental derangement.

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Third sentence in the Manchurian candidate paragraph should read *there, not their -- need better proofreading

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Excellent article. IMO you’re connecting the dots better than most. The WEF/globalists are the Puppet Masters pulling Biden’s strings. They’ve partnered with the CCP, who just so happen be global leaders in totalitarianism. The WEF/globalist crew has plans to rule the world, but for that to happen, the US must be weakened and destroyed. Which explains the unending series of terrible policies coming from the Biden administration targeting energy supplies, food production, processing plants, currency, financial sector, weakening of our military. Every new EO, regulation, directive etc is bad for our nation and often beneficial to China. Societal issues- systemic racism, reparations, trans agenda, open borders etc are used to confuse, distract and divide us into tribes. EV cars, CBDC’s, censorship, Marxist doctrine, the inevitable gun confiscations and a myriad of other things are individual battles that must be defeated to thwart their plans.

If the WEF folks are successful they’ll “reset” the US and have their friends in China trap us under their totalitarian control.

Your connection between Afghanistan, China with Belt and Road was something I overlooked. The world foresees are demise and preparing accordingly. In the last week over 20 nations declared that they are moving away from or no longer using the US dollar. Most aligning with China.

While the world prepares for our doom by making new deals with other nations and stockpiling gold/silver, a majority of Americans just plot on… Faces buried in IPhones, cycling through TikTok, IG, Dinner Pics, Duckface Selfies, like counts, follower counts, DM’s and swipes. Blissfully ignorant of the failed state that surrounds them, courtesy of Joey B and his party of D’s.

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How high is the probability that:

Biden runs nothing, but Obama runs all.

And: that Obama considered Fareed Zakaria's book: "The Post-American World" (and the rise of the rest),

to be an instruction manual?


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Ten years ago the US was not experiencing the economic, political and social unrest we have now. If a foreign power wanted to destabilize the country they would have to follow a well thought out plan with great discipline. It would also need several key players and institutions to carry out the plan, including countries, international bodies and influencers.

Like detectives of old, you have to ask, who has the most to gain from the fall of America. The key suspect is China. While all of our attention is focused on the bright shiny object, Russia, our country is being systematically broken down by an insidious scheme. If this were true and the American people believed it was true, could we come together as a nation and repudiate the policies that have divided us?

I agree with you. Their Belt and Road initiative is based on this "debt trap" system that binds them to the Chinese and ultimately gives them control of either their natural resources or access to port and staging facilities. I'm getting the book in hardcover to get the specifics of the plan. I have to tell you that I've never seen our country in worse condition. The concept of the "Big Lie" is that you can do something so outlandish that no one could possibly believe it's true. You also do other things to divert attention away from what you're doing. Two Chinese Colonels came up with the plan in the 1990s and it is taught today by the Chinese Military Academies.

This is all exposed in the book by Brigadier General Robert Spalding, War Without Rules.

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Unrestricted Warfare, 1999?

I have large doubts that people can be convinced that such an overt destruction is occurring by internal and external forces, as we know what is going hand and hand to make it happen. D.C. is a cesspool of Agencies, Congress, Courts and the "executive."

The MEDIA has most too driven to an ideological left-right to SEE the BIGGER FOREST. (And we have a nihilistic culture that believes it needs to burn all down...unbelievably so.)

7-10 years of overtly and increasingly military style propaganda pumped into the heads of so-called intelligent, degreed people. (Actually the easiest to convince...)

The way out --- is not gonna be without enormous sacrifices no alive has ever made. We are in a far worse crisis than anything since the Civil War or the Revolution. And those were not as dangerous...because of the modern technology, we are really in a pickle without any leadership - directly - at present.

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I agree that the media has its thumb on the scale and without a strong counterbalancing force, getting the general population to believe something so massive would be near impossible. Someone like Tucker or Ben Shapiro or Joe Rogan or Elon might get some traction.

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I wish we could pivot away from Joey Bidet!

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It's not Pedojoe. He's a puppet. It's zer0bama & always has been. Look at the current admin. zer0-bots ALL. Victoria Nuland is leading the charge for the hot war against Russia. She's the architect of the 2014 Ukrainian coup. She was zer0's assistant S.O.S. for Europe & Euraisa. She was recorded on the phone saying F the E.U.. To be fair, she also worked for noecon G.W. Bush.

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He got put there...Susan Rice is creating all these EOs tied to Domestic destruction.

I've mentioned Neocon Vicki.

Ukrainian (fluent in Russian) as well.

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🤣 1,000% !

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The French riot or go on strick every couple of months over something... And nothing ever changes much there...

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