💯 enjoyed it. I think you said you are 52? Wow you sound like a 20y/o! Maybe it’s the cold...? Hope you get well soon!

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Been hanging around longer than I expected. The cold-allergy.

Thanks - I wish I was as physically as strong as I was at 20....that would be useful.

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I just finally got over a cold of some sort, though I had a horrible cough for two weeks with mine! I temporarily had to go back on my asthma meds just to get over it!

Oh don’t I know it! I’m not quite at 5O yet but by the way I already feel after sleeping for a couple of hours the way my body hurts all over...There’s no way I am gonna get to 65 or 70! If I do I won’t be getting out of bed on my own that’s for sure! 🙄take care!

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I hope you get better rest, but know the current events are stressors.

Here's hoping we all get out of bed to the end....or wake up in a nicer bed with a immaculate view & no more worries. We are at peace.

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Stay independent, stay smart!

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Wait till our medical care is done through AI! Sarah Palin’s suggestion that there will be death panels will come to fruition. This is 🤡 world we are living!

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Jason, thanks for drawing attention to the corruption layer coming through AI. The utopians and early adopters are giddy believing that it will add to their success. Even the name “artificial intelligence” is a misnomer when you understand that human intelligence is a joke. The creativity of humans is minuscule to God because He is the source of everything that is good and beautiful. For humanity to be in awe of artificial intelligence is the height of idol worship! Thank you for nailing it down on this platform. You make people think which is what will save us.

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