Episode 273: The Year of Living Dangerously Close to Oblivion

Episode 273: The Year of Living Dangerously Close to Oblivion

2024. The Year the West Folds It Hand? Or Does the Population Have An Ace?



Declassified with Julie Kelly
DOJ Threatens to Charge "Thousands" More J6 Trespassers
In a brazen act of political theater worthy of an ethics investigation, U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia Matthew Graves gave an hourlong rehash of the events of January 6 to a handful of reporters last week. Graves, a Biden 2020 campaign advisor who was appointed by Biden in November 2021, is overseeing the Department of Justice’s unprecedente…
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Ransome accusation - that she vacillates based on her mood and politics.

This is why one should deal in evidence not hearsay or claims without providing the ACTUAL GOODS.

Liz Crokin Tweet

Ransome walked back the allegations against Trump in an Oct. 23, 2016 e-mail with New York Post columnist Maureen Callahan writing, “I would like to retract everything I have said to you and walk away from this,” according to the filing. 

In the fall of 2016, Ransome also suggested to the New York Post that she had sex tapes of half a dozen prominent people including Bill Clinton and Trump—but couldn’t provide the tapes when asked. Ransome told reporter Connie Bruck of The New Yorker she had invented the tapes to draw attention to Epstein’s behavior, and to make him believe that she had evidence that would come out if he harmed her.

It should be noted that Ransome’s attorney was David Boies. Bradley Edwards wrote in his book Relentless Pursuit he noticed red flags with Boies that gave him pause including that Boies had a relationship with Epstein. In October of 2017, The New Yorker and the New York Times were investigating accusations of sexual abuse against Harvey Weinstein who was Boies’s client at that time.

Boies’s firm hired Black Cube, a private intelligence company run by former Israeli military operatives, to disrupt the reporting. In the process, Black Cube operatives impersonated a source and assumed other false identities to gather information on the reporters. Boies said that he regretted not supervising Black Cube more closely.

The New York Times severed its ties with Boies after he was linked to the clandestine effort to spy on their reporters and prevent the publication of a damaging story about Weinstein. “We never contemplated that the law firm would contract with an intelligence firm to conduct a secret spying operation aimed at our reporting and our reporters,” the newspaper said in a statement.

It’s also interesting that Ransome’s claims about Trump were at the time Wikileaks was releasing the Podesta E-mails exposing Pizzagate in 2016 and before that year’s presidential Election Day. It also should be emphasized that Edwards — who represented dozens of victims — said none of the witnesses he interviewed claimed there was inappropriate sexual behavior by Trump nor was he ever around when minors were present.

Politics, Personal, Current Events, Society, Anything that comes to my head.