Episode 213: A Patriot's Treatise

Episode 213: A Patriot's Treatise

Read the Preamble below (1 page).


It would be Folly to think one could illuminate better on the precepts that Our Founders and Great Thinkers enshrined in Our Constitution. They addressed the greatest burdens and responsibilities; and did so under the greatest duress. Whether War or Depression, the United States, through four centuries of rocky growth, upheavals, and strife, has made it to the perilous Present. Those that internally feel the need for its destruction – often in the highest positions regarding its protection – seemingly disregard how fragile this Bountiful Country, and Civilization, is. They further ignore all the personal histories, in all manner of outward and inward presentation, that made the United States what it once was, and still can be, if these thwarting forces are finally vanquished from power.

The Verity of Time Is: those that ignore the Past and toss away long-standing Values, that made all Souls better for having them, doom their futures and their descendants as well. Whether by apathy, nihilism, or psychopathy, these unhealthy forces ruin Civilizations. Yet, these do not happen instantaneously.

These forces are gradually built through miseducation, egregious mistakes of violence, and frittering away one’s inheritance. Most visibly, by allowing those who have no vested interest in humanity’s success; crass international interests; and investment in destruction for destruction’s sake. A country needs truth and proper teaching to survive the depths of privation that does occur from time to time. Most assuredly, propaganda and hate-filled narratives flood fooled minds as a well-deployed divider, a useful tool in the recent scores of time, deceptively deployed by betraying leaders aligned to Party, not Country. In lockstep, foreign conflicts, lasting far longer, and costlier, than even the deadliest War in recent World History, squandered precious Lives and Patriotism. These wars are a racket for investors to profit handsomely off All Death. Meanwhile, infrastructure in Our Country grows dilapidated, abandoned; as Our Land is hustled into to Foreign hands by the very Citizens that should care about the ground under their feet being Free. Never has so much Apathy, Indifference and Greed befallen a People that achieved just Three Score and Seventeen Years Prior the Most Powerful Navy and Industrial Might ever amassed on This Earth.

Sadly, only Parasitic Fools would be so blind, and so destructive, to pick the course of actions seen in one’s lifetime. And so, this Declaration of a New American LIBERTY is not closed-minded or unyielding. But rather, to Define the root causes, Offer solutions, and lastly, Invoke the Common People’s Power. For if We Do Not, Our Failures will erase this Country from Memory and History.       

Politics, Personal, Current Events, Society, Anything that comes to my head.