Episode 178: Fall of the United States?
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Episode 178: Fall of the United States?

Article at www.dcfpress.com

Fall 2022: The End of the United States? Or the Beginning of the Fight?

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To call the last few years eye opening, and startling, is an actual understatement. The lies, propaganda, deceits, agendas, and devolution of law, education, media and other institutions make that pretty obvious to anyone that is actually cognizant of what the United States of America is supposed to operate on. The most telling aspects came from Washington, D.C. The totalitarian town where edicts come quicker and quicker under the demented dictator-in-name-only Biden and his cadre of minions at the 3-letter agencies. The election in November, of 2022, will be the last one ever with 2 main political parties deciding if the country exists as a Republic; or a Democratic dictatorship. Never would I have thought that hopes of salvation would come from the complete destruction of the political party system and the adjoining agencies. But that is where we are at. This political infection is inoperable and has to be cut out.

If the Democrats, with their stranglehold on major cities, run by crazed mayors that encourage crime (Chicago, LA, Seattle, New York, Baltimore, et. al.) and mutilation of children’s bodies (Boston’s Children Hospital), continue their Communist quest to completely wreck the United States just to spite those that voted for Trump or that think making American Great is an intolerable sin, keep political power, then it is over for the country. The financial and supply chain systems are about to collapse – and these vengeful souls are too aligned with WEF and CCP’s aspirations to do anything but sabotage the last of America’s values, integrity, and sanity, just to prove how racist, bigoted and flaw the country is. The political left truly believes in the decade-long, overt propaganda of their media whores they control. Whatever critical thinking skills Democrats – who are just amoral to whatever ends achieves destruction – had – are gone.

Meanwhile, the Republicans (and I mean the ones in political office) are just weak-willed weasels. The incomprehensible support of Biden reflects a truly traitorous bunch of idiots that are too compromised and too pliant to whatever the administrative state has over them. Or maybe it’s the Chinese – as McConnell, Inc. is as bad as Pelosi, LLC. when it comes to the dealings to make a dollar or yuan off the American people’s back. The dyamic duopoly of deceit is clearly about screwing over the entire country – either out of spite or fear of reprisals by those that control their financial well being.

So what is in store for Americans?

Like Alex Jones, who of course is detested as the Sandy Hook denier, notes: false flags and October surprises are in cards for all of us.

Domestic Semi-Fascists. The octogenerian in office is rolled out to make divisive claims about “MAGA Republicans” because Joe is a dipshit and a treasonous fool. He is the perfect fall guy for the collapse of the United States. He was crafted and installed solely for that purpose. As his string puller, Obama (through Susan Rice, Ron Klain and others) noted, “Joe has a propensity to fuck things up.” Joe was never a smart man to begin with – his history of cheating, plagarizing, and pedo-like behavior found a government sock drawer, like Clinton’s, and covered up by the Alphabet Agencies – reflects that in spades. The criminals at the FBI buried the evidence of Hunter Biden laptop while 51 former intel (including 43 Republican shills) connected officers called it: Russian Disinformation. Leaving aside the porn and the hookers, Hunter, and his uncle James, were kicking tires on a Roseneft gas deal in October 2017, for example. Yet, as Americans were perpetually propagandaized by the three-letter media (ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MS-NBC, C-NBC), then President Trump was neck deep in Russian dealings and supported by Putin himself. Facebook was directly encouraged by the FBI to bury the Hunter Biden story in 2020 as Zuckerberg himself stated on a Joe Rogan podcast. Zuckerberg et.al. were very active in the Fall of 2019, scheming with future top DOJ employees, Vanita Gupta (and Pamela Karlan, Ukraine impeachment & Facebook oversight board), to get Biden rigged into the White House. Molly Ball, Pelosi’s biographer, shot her mouth off for a Time exclusive in February 2021. It helps that billionaire Zuckerberg ponied up $400 milion plus to the election cause and assisted Michael Bloomberg, as well, who dumped $1.1 Billion (US) into your 2020 election cycle, mostly in his own individual donations, even long after little Mike, another sexual harasser, dropped out of the fake Democrat political race.  But, of course, average Americans that are too poor to put food on their table, pay their rents for a home or a small business, or get on with their lives without U.S. government blackmailing them over mRNA vaccines, that actually disable and kill folks at a higher rate than the COVID-19 Alpha variant of 2020, are the real Fascists, or rather, semi-fascists.

Georgia Elections:

Immigration, Inflation and International Intrigues. With the flooding of illegals across the border, when most Americans can’t afford their own lifestyle, what better way to create havoc than to overload the social systems with people that can’t (or won’t) speak English, don’t have a job, while immediately giving them voting rights (or at least identification to do so) upon arrival? That too came with the installation of Joe Biden – the same plan destabilized Europe (Sweden) – because the psychopathic parasitic “Elites” want us to further play lef-right blame games while they wreck societies to hide their financial and moral depravity (think: Epstein). The inflation trick is a way to further destroy the current monetary system, at the Globalist parasite’s behest, and suck the remaining marrow of the middle class in the United States (and elsewhere) bone dry. Energy price skyrockets not solely because of the Ukraine sham (Russia is still getting its oil/LNG on the market via 3rd parties from Switzerland to China), but because the WEF puppets (Biden as well), are destructing the independence of the people under the guise of caring about the environment. Make no mistake: these low IQ politicians do not care one iota about the environment aside from the chaos they cause for billions in manipulating the masses to believe things that are provably false. But the economic and environmental dissertation to show that reality is above the mental capacities of most; so sloganeering is most useful to the richest and nihilistic among the Davos-invited crowd.

[Why anyone thinks a battery-powered car with precious metals mined in 3rd world countries off slave labor, imported in the majority to authoritarian China, then configured, and built, for a “Telsa” and then supported by a decaying electrical grid that is being huckstered towards unreliable wind and solar power (that can’t support an 21st century industrial economy at any scale) is a value stream walkthrough example that just shows how mind boggling and gaslightingly stupid this is.]

The ongoing ramp up to a worldwide conflict, today, was juiced by Taiwan getting ballsy with China while U.S. forces are offlining all Chinook helicopters and running short of supplied Ukrainain ammo. If ever the U.S. military lower-level personnel needed to decapitate their leaders, it is now. Under the “leadership” of Raytheon moneygrabber Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and the Joint Chief head, White Rage Mark “treasonous” Milley, one should see that Civil Wars start because of this. No sane military man should work under such slimeballs (and these are merely two of them).

Does one think it SANE to antigonize a nuclear superpower in Russia without an Ukrainain endgame and also have Taiwan (who holds nearly 90% of the semiconductors that run the world) playing drone games with China? The United States has no ability to even provide the electrical grid stability or the technology to compete under the worst-case scenario: a two-front war with a ongoing southern border invasion and no industrial base committed to battle such things. WHY is our U.S. Congress (led by Pelosi, who antigonized China recently, no less) and Schumer/McConnell not screaming for impeachment of Joseph R. Biden and his entire cabinet?

Because they are hell bent on destroying the United States of America.

Let that sink in.

Left-Right Thinking. For the lacking in intellect, sit this one out. I suspect if any of those folks read this far, they are still blaming Trump for the shots, the COVID, the racism, the Russia, Russia, Russia, January 6th, Biden’s laptop, NARA files, inflation or our dire energy policy. Forget it. You are propagandized to think and respond one God-less damn way. I pity your future if we (worldwide Patriots) lose. For the rest:

1)     Donald Trump is no longer our President. He is also incapable of admitting he was wrong about mRNA gene therapies he still believes work. And his lack of humility to admit he was okie doke is a fatal error. He can’t be too brilliant if he can’t be bothered to see how PLAYED he was by Fauci, Pence, Barr, and countless other RINO Cons that make a mockery out of the U.S.A. I don’t have access to Top Secret classified intelligence, but still can figure this all out. Read it about it here. You might learn something.

2)     We have no leadership that could steer this ship ahead. Anyone thinking throwing paper money at the problem will solve anything, hasn’t figured out it takes innovation and teamwork to create actual value that can be harnessed into something real, vital, and lasting.

3)     We are at the final exit. The 2022 elections will be hijacked by Democrat tactics and Republican silence (or ineptitude) of messaging. Despite Trump’s consistent popularity and Biden’s “polling,” the gaslighting will get worse. The promises to the young, gullible, and wishful thinkers will come with the October Surprise(s) to make sure sheep stay on the plantation. False Flags, Lockdowns and Election Fraud will be widespread and overt. It will be inciting to the moral, the just, the law-abiding citizens that don’t take kindly to their country being stolen by a pack of thugs that want to cut their granddaughter’s breasts off and castrate their grandson in the name of diversity and inclusion. White or black, Christian or not, and all of our melting pot in between, the Washington D.C. establishment, the Eurotrash Davos, Switzerland clan, the London bankers, the Beijing military junta to come, don’t care one little bit about your life. They want all of us as compliant peasants; and less of us to manage. You are pond scum to them.

My solution. You must first vote like your very lives depend upon it. Overflow the ballot box. The Republicans at the local level, might, and I say this with caveats, have some hope of being more America First in their thinking. Or anyone, frankly, that believes in God, has humility, wants respect for the U.S. Constitution (#1A, #2A, #4A, #5A) and hates the FEDERAL Reserve, high debts, and hand outs. Education done with the parent at the head of the responsibility of the child. Wants a border that keeps out criminals and DRUGS. (Amazingly, 40+ tons are coming from Panama…very odd, ain’t it?) This is but the starter pack of ideas that your candidate should have at voting time.

To actual do this though, one has to eliminate most of the Federal Government. These 2+ million workers have outlasted their usefulness. There is over 400+ agencies, and most of us can’t be bothered to know the limitations, or even their precise functions. We hear about the CIA, FBI, DOJ, NSA, the NIH, FDA, CDC, DoE (Energy), DOE (Education), and so forth. The FBI and CIA are equals in overt mayhem they have created across the world, and at home. Despite what the low-IQ, demented 46th traitor to the U.S. Constitution states aloud, the FBI is now a national terroristic threat to all its citizens. (That means the lefties too. They just don’t see it yet.)

Each, and every single agent, had better reevaluate their oath to the U.S. Constitution. Like the U.S. military branches (of which I served in the U.S. Navy, and my relatives served going back to the Revolution) had better EVALUATE their moral code with a real passion.

I’m sorry to break the News to Them: you are traitors until proven otherwise. First step: resign or quit your duties. Second step: come clean about what you know. Third step: well, you better make fast friends with Patriots to the cause of Liberty and Freedom. Because you will be declared Enemies of the State.

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I’m sorry to break the News to All of You: you are now All Enemies of the State. You actually were declared this LAST YEAR. The 46th POTUS – who doesn’t write anything – uses White Supremancy as buzz words to foment this tactic. Believe me, I despise supremacists of any stripe. But that’s the beauty of this policy – for the popcorn eating public, id pol people, this appeals to their simplistic senses. J6 was used as an infiltration method by the FBI to get the Left all on board. FYI: Twitter has former FBI employees; Facebook gets its orders from the FBI when needed as shown above. Fascism is big with Biden’s regime.

This is the not America I want; or you want. Time to fight by any means necessary to stop this final stake into a 250-year-old beautiful idea. Biden is merely a figurehead, but he is every bit the treasonous asshole that deserves exactly what happens to those who commit it so clearly.

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