Keep on keepin-on! ...Thanks!🙏☝️✌️

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I work in academia, part time. The amount of time wasted is gigantic. It is mainly centered in the admin and corralated to basically two things, social justice and climate change. The writing is on the wall though, democraphics, and fiscal insanity protend to deep austerity in the future for these academic institutions. What we are seeing now is a blow off top but if you asked people in these institutions, they will tell you the future is bright for academia. They will end up bitter.

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Boy, THANK YOU Jason. Pity to have missed this one!?? I've heard for a long time that the real 'invisible hand' which runs the 'science' are actually the administrators in all educational facilities!! Please remind everyone, who within each university infrastructure MANDATED the injections on every single FUTURE WORKING CITIZEN, i.e. the students, who are today INJURED AND DYING and not capable to perform lifelong duties. It's BEYOND CRIMINAL. ANd listen just today, from Satnford, sorry Stanford:


it's about the NATURAL artemisinin, malaria drug, 'chemical origin' of ivermectin... Satnford cites only the chinese citizen who did the wonderful job, where in fact these were 3 people:


a japanese Dr. Omura and Dr. Campbell.

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