Feb 10Liked by Jason Powers

The Senator is weak. He is going to hold a public hearing? Big deal. They walked all over him.

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Don't disagree. These officials won't risk anything to stop those seeking to wreck the country.

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Usually, because they are the ones doing it with their bills, votes and corruption.

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A) He's a house rep not a senator.

B) Where's YOUR video, smarty? Tough talk behind a keyboard and not surrounded by armed criminals, including the sheriff, who I'm sure "won" the same way the "governor" did.

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I didn't need to correct the statement. I clarified that in the article's opening.

I've been incarcerated for a lot longer than most (2 years) back in 2001-2003.

I've been surrounded by criminals 24-7, some armed (cops) & unarmed.

A top public official can do a great deal by getting arrested - shows courage - and forcing the issue of transparency...if local law enforcement gets rough, then that becomes a visible. Not asking for martyrdom, but at least, make them react to your pursuit of transparency. Don't come 2 or 3.....come in with a dozen people, live stream video - and make it a point to get inside these compounds.

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Feb 10Liked by Jason Powers

O'Keefe and T. Carlson have done more of America than Congress.

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A) you’re correct. He is a U.S. Rep not a State Senator.

B) why are you so butt hurt? Threatening a public hearing got him nowhere. These people are invading our country and being trafficked by our own government and that’s the best he can come up with? It’s people like you that cut these Reps all kinds of slack and make excuses for them why nothing gets done.

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Being a member of Congress doesn't give them carte blanche to enter any property they want at any time. Instead, they have to be invited in, or get the proper legal paperwork in order, which is what the public hearing subpoena(s) will do. Then they will have free run of any facility within the defined scope of the subpoena. These guys are actually following the law, unlike the people who blocked them here.

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Feb 12Liked by Jason Powers

It is not "any" property. It is a property and activity almost entirely funded by taxpayer money.

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Feb 10Liked by Jason Powers

"so what we'll do..."

What they will do, Is nothing, beyond writing stern letters.

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Mostly sternly-worded letters.

You are not wrong.

Why not do something...creative and original (for Congress)?

Oh....we know.

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Feb 10Liked by Jason Powers

These guys need votes, and they need to kick the can down the road until such time as we've been completely replaced and they can stop worrying.

But, they're wrong. They will never be able to rest as the people rise up against them for what they've done.

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Feb 11Liked by Jason Powers

This guy is an embarrassment. “We’re going to go back and have a hearing”. Are you kidding me? At the risk of being shot, you demand access. That’s how a real hero does it. Please resign, you wimp. You wanted to get videos of you there, nothing more.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10Liked by Jason Powers

The low IQ section of the Right Wing still has the "thin blue line" stickers and says dumb things like "back the blue" even in the face of the last 4 years of Gestapo evidence

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Feb 10Liked by Jason Powers

Close the soveriegn borders of the United States, and deport every illegal that has TRESPASSED on America's soverign territory for the past 10 years. As a nation of laws, as Garland says, Americans demand that our borders be protected. The fake governor of Arizona must be recalled; the fake NGO's trafficking humans must have their 501c3's cancelled; and the Mexican/Chinese/Muslim cartels invading America must be destroyed by American military might before one dime of American taxpayer money is given to the U.N., USAID, Ukraine, and Isreal. All American military personennl must be called back to America from Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, Mali, and other nations hostile to Americans.

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Feb 10Liked by Jason Powers

The Senator is all about optics. He is not serious. “Probably “ hold a public meeting? How about going there first with a search warrant or a subpoena? Way too accommodating to the people breaking the law.

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Feb 11Liked by Jason Powers

a flow chart showing the genesis of where the funds are coming from and who is distributing federal tax dollars needs to be determined.

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Feb 10Liked by Jason Powers

That video is hilariously frustrating. That’s one flaccid congressman, but I guess we have to give it to him for even showing up.

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Feb 10Liked by Jason Powers

It's congress's job to over see the government. What the sheriff did is unconstitutional BUT leftists have never given crap about the constitution and routinely engage in abuse of powers. Wayyy to go sheriff!!!

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This is completely CRIMINAL! He should have asked for Federal Marshalls to accompany him and then have the corrupt Sheriff pound sand.

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Feb 10Liked by Jason Powers

Sheriff needs to be citizen arrested and detained in a jurisdiction that isn't under enemy occupation and control. And that border convoy needs to redeploy to that hotel, siege it, overpower the NGO criminal thugs and take control, seize all the evidence of their criminal enterprise.

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Feb 10Liked by Jason Powers

I would have demanded access as a congressman. These people have zero respect. Catholic Charities is a destructive organization facilitating trafficking of children.

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Feb 10Liked by Jason Powers

Not one more dime for ANY Catholic organization. The Catholic church is destroying America.

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Feb 10Liked by Jason Powers

Deputy says 'I just respond to calls for service.'.

Cop'ing ain't what it used to be. In my day, the phrase 'make work' and 'engage your community' were pretty common. No wonder crime is through the rough and this kind of mess is never prosecuted. Sad day...

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He's a Maytag (mayday) Repairman - help! our criminal operation is about to be exposed!


Rotten from the head down.

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Feb 12Liked by Jason Powers

The deputies are bouncers with guns.

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Feb 11Liked by Jason Powers

Also -iAERO's 3 letter code on FlightAware is SWQ - leftover from when they were Swiftair.

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Feb 11Liked by Jason Powers

iAERO is almost all 737's. I think they have a couple of 767's but they aren't used nearly as much. iAERO's 737's are in the air daily. They can convert all their aircraft for freight but their aircraft aren't on the ground long enough most of the time to unload freight and load back up, refuel, etc. and get back in the air. Its usually much shorter turnarounds that resemble passenger operations. Also I think DHL has a contract with them for overflow which I believe accounts for the frequency to Cincinnati.

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