#BarrDidIt: Epstein & Dominion Voting Intersect
A hypothesis on the biggest criminal case against the United States of America ever
#EpsteinDidntKillHimself was the hashtag winner of 2019. Twitter, the former ally of Substack, has accounts based off this exact premise. This post is not about the intrigues of one Jeffrey Epstein, but his connects to all the usual suspects that have been circulating like vote thieves and murderers-for-hire since the summer of 2019. 2-time Attorney General William Barr hands-on and hands-off approaches makes him the key nexus point for the 2020 elections, investigations into Hunter Biden (and others), and the crucial decision ‘go point’ on the case of ending Epstein’s malevolent life and takeover of the United States by the Agencies.
Timelines and background are important. So we have to start there for a foundation to this all-encompassing case against our Republic.
William Barr is the son of Donald Barr, a former OSS spook, that landed at the Dalton School, a prestigious academy for the Elite’s soon-to-be Masters of the Universe. Donald Barr in 1974 was on the outs, despite being generally liked, if feared by the students, and just prior to his departure after approving the hiring of Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein, it was noted, was not degreed or certified to teach, but Barr was known for his unusual approaches to hiring; and later, fictional writing expounded on this unusualness, particularly tied to women and their treatment (from Patrick Bet David’s interview of Whitney Webb).
Epstein’s stay at Dalton was brief, but his interactions had legs into the future:
Around the years of Mr. Epstein’s tenure, records show the student roster included Prudence Murdoch, the daughter of the media mogul Rupert Murdoch…
The Murdoch name becomes important later.
Robert Maxwell death
The CIA, Barr, Bush & The Carlyle Group
Bill Barr, during this time, trained at the CIA from 1971-73, finishing this intelligence stint in 1977. Barr worked at the Office of Legislative Counsel from 1975-1977, partly under Director George H.W. Bush. Historian Webster Tarpley (retweet above), a long-time critic of anyone (but Biden) occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, wrote about the Scion of the Neocons:
The political scene on the home front from which Bush had been so anxious to be absent during 1975 was the so-called “Year of Intelligence,” in that it had been a year of intense scrutiny of the illegal activities and abuses of the intelligence community, including CIA domestic and covert operations. On December 22, 1974 the New York Times published the first of a series of articles by Seymour M. Hersh which relied on leaked reports of CIA activities assembled by Director James Rodney Schlesinger to expose alleged misdeeds by the agency.
It was widely recognized at the time that the Hersh articles were a self-exposure by the CIA that was designed to set the agenda for the Ford-appointed Rockefeller Commission, which was set up a few days later, on January 4, 1975…The Rockefeller Commission [included Ronald Reagan] was supposed to examine the malfeasance of the intelligence agencies and make recommendations about how they could be reorganized and reformed. In reality, the Rockefeller Commission proposals would reflect the transition from the structures of the cold war towards the growing totalitarian tendencies of the 1980’s. [My emphasis.]
Bush Senior grew to champion Barr, becoming his Neocon mentor, and his meal ticket up to Barr’s appointment as Attorney General in 1991. In May 1982, Vice President Bush was considered the head of all covert operations inside Reagan’s administration, while William Barr was stationed at the White House during 1982-83, reporting to C Boyden Gray, counsel then to the Vice President.
From a 2001 William Barr interview at UVA’s Miller Center, he noted:
Then I went back to private practice to make partner in my firm, and Bush ran. A friend of mine, who had been a co-clerk and had worked on the NSC [National Security Council] staff and was close to Jim Baker [James Baker III], named Bob Kimmitt, asked me if I would help with the Vice Presidential screening [in 1988].
Tarpley points to Bush’s covert activities in 1982 surrounding the Boland Amendment, which was meant to cut off any Defense appropriations going to the CIA, regarding, in particular: Nicaragua. Of course, if one believes the CIA let any law or regulation get in the way of its international activities and murderous plots, I got a bridge to sell you. [And the intrigues get worse as time goes forward into our current crises.]
Carlyle Group co-founder David Rubenstein made his way to the top as a Master of the Universe off vending machines in the 1970s as Christopher Byron wrote in Dan Briody’s The Iron Triangle: Inside the Secret World of the Carlyle Group:
…[Y]ou'll meet the relentlessly over-achieving David Rubenstein, now no longer the boy wonder bullet-biter of the Carter White House, where he held the title of Deputy Domestic Policy Assistant at the age of 27, and was said to have eaten three squares a day, for the entire four years, on junk food from White House vending machines.
You'll also come face-to-face with hatchet-faced Frank Carlucci ("Spooky Frank"), a man with a shadowy past including allegations that he began his career in the CIA with a foiled attempt to assassinate Patrice Lumumba in the Eisenhower years—something that Spooky Frank denies. You'll see him rise to deputy director of the CIA late in the Carter years… [Carlucci, once chairman emeritus of The Carlyle Group, was college roommate to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.]
Rubenstein partnered, alongside Bill Barr in the 1980s (1978-82,1983-89) at Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge, a Washington law firm, utilizing a tax loop pole for Marriot called the Great Eskimo Tax Scam. The Carlyle Group exploited this further into a multi-billion dollar conglomerate, headed up by Rubenstein (and others), that hired on the most powerful folks to grease up deals. Ex-and future Presidents (HW & W Bush), Prime Ministers (Major), Secretaries of Defense, chief regulators, were hired as advisors and directors of portfolios worldwide. Briody tells of how Stephen Norris, a co-founder of Carlyle, saw opportunity:
Marriott ended up paying Rubenstein and Barr a seven-figure fee for their help in saving them a bundle on their taxes in 1986. Norris, after reading the tax bill closely, decided there was a much greater opportunity here than just this one-shot deal. He figured if Rubenstein and Barr could make out so handsomely for their limited role in facilitating Marriott's tax relief, he could, too.
Barr left government in 1993 as Clinton, a long-time friend of Bush Senior, came to the White House. During this time, Clinton hired Joe Biden’s former press secretary, Evelyn Lieberman as deputy chief of staff (now deceased). Lieberman’s hubby, Edward, worked for Madeleine Albright and was involved in the 2016 Steele Dossier/Trump Tower meeting. The Liebermans political hot button issue working through the Albright Stonebridge Group: Ukraine.
Dominion Voting, Morgan Stanley, North Haven, Carlyle Group
Dominion’s (DVS) patents tell a story that is hard to follow if one just starts in 2018 or 2019. First, how does a private company garnered the ability to obfuscate on their system’s code (page 7) and hide conveniently behind intellectual property law in servicing PUBLIC U.S. and Canadian elections? And how does Dominion get this immunity from scrutiny while their patents pass through an network of international banking, involving any number of ownership conflicts, including the U.S.’s enemies?
One has sought the cui bono - which is obvious - those entrenched in power for 30-50 years. A few points on to the timeline:
Kirkland Ellis, Barr’s firm in 2009, 2017-19, handled these patents starting in July 12, 2018, including a key transaction completed in September 2019. Barr received substantial income ($1,200,000+) while at Kirkland (in D.C., page 14).
Morgan Stanley, through NORTH HAVEN CREDIT PARTNERS II L.P., AS ADMINISTRATIVE AGENT, acquired & handled these patents to the tune of $15,000,000 + legal and transaction fees, off an August 2015 patent assignment.
Royal Bank of Canada, HSBC Canada & Staple Street Capital in a span of 4 years juggled Dominion’s intellectual property, included a private deal in which Kirkland advised Staple Street Capital (& Carlyle vets) on July 16, 2018.
Ghislaine Maxwell’s case (on August 9, 2019) was unsealed. The day before Epstein’s murder. Denver, Colorado’s Haddon Morgan & Foreman represented Maxwell (page 8). Dominion is located within a 5 minute walk from Haddon’s.
Meanwhile, on that exact same day, Morgan Stanley’s head of Private Credit, Jeff Levin (formerly of the Carlyle Group for 6+ years) signed off on the joint transactions of Morgan’s fund assets (13) all related to North Haven Credit Partners II. (SEC Filing)
Dominion had a Nunc Pro Tunc Assignment Agreement later the next month. This could be due to missing documentation or backdating to February 21, 2014. But the date of effect was set as September 18, 2019.
Thereafter, HSBC Canada makes a new security agreement whereby they received interests in 18 Patents of Dominion, that is privately owned by Staple Street Capital on September 26, 2019. [And HSBC UK just acquired dozens of investment bankers from SVB, the 2nd largest bank bankruptcy in U.S. history.]

August 14, 2015 North Haven acquired its key security interest (with other international parties, Hong Kong, Singapore, Switzerland thru Morgan Stanley) in the DVS patents (24 total), for an undisclosed amount. Soon after, these patents were transferred on to the Royal Bank of Canada by January 21, 2016. Staple Street then took Dominion “private” in mid-July 2018.

Founders are veterans of Carlyle Group (Owens 1998-09); Jeff Levin, Morgan Stanley, Carlyle Group
Hunter Biden
The difficulty with this situation is what one does not know. Hunter Biden has a substantial relationship with Merrill Lynch’s Kevin R. Lynch, playing golf. Lynch is based out of Chicago, Illinois over the last 14 years. Lynch, and various cohorts, talked excitedly about any Carlyle Group exposure. A group of Carlyle & Morgan Stanley connects were kicking around a deal in 2015, regarding Tadich Grill.
Gerard, please see the string below and the contact information for Nancy Palleschi at The Carlyle Group….
Given the quantity of emails between Kevin and Hunter, and Biden’s deep connects to a former FBI Director and a U.S. Federal Judge in emails posted in prior Substacks, it is not hard to imagine Hunter working with Lynch to connect to Jeff Levin since we KNOW Lynch went to Morgan’s NY HQ and met with Devon Archer. (Lynch in NY.) Potentially even, William Barr popping in at Kirkland Ellis’s Chicago or D.C. offices. Hunter was not shy about his desires here regarding former Carlyle co-head of US buyouts, Dan Akerson. But as it turns out, now President Joe Biden met with Carlyle’s David Rubenstein in 2016 at the Naval Observatory.
FOX, Viet Dinh & Kirkland Ellis
Recently, Fox has been under the attack by Dominion (by former Kirkland Ellis lawyers as well) in Dominion’s billion dollar plus lawsuit. From Law.com:
Dominion Says Fox Legal Chief Should Have Blocked Airing of False Claims
The release of Viet Dinh's deposition on Tuesday and a court filing by Dominion on Wednesday are throwing scrutiny on Viet Dinh, a Harvard-educated lawyer and former assistant attorney general who's been the media giant's legal chief since 2018.
Viet Dinh came into the orbit of the Murdoch’s FOX long before becoming the CLO in September 17, 2018. Viet’s first big role came under George W. Bush in the office of legal policy, assisting on the PATRIOT Act. Viet thereafter went to Bancroft; it was then subsumed into Kirkland Ellis in 2016. Dinh made partner at Kirkland at the same time as William Barr went back to the firm in 2017.
David Lat wrote in March 2021:
In June 2003, at an Aspen Institute event, Dinh met Lachlan Murdoch, the eldest son and heir apparent to media magnate Rupert Murdoch. The two became friendly, and Lachlan (re)introduced Dinh to Rupert (whom Dinh had met briefly in the past through a mutual friend). In 2004, Dinh joined the board of News Corporation, the multinational media company controlled by the Murdochs; after the 2013 spin-off transaction that created 21st Century Fox and News Corp, Dinh became a director of 21st Century Fox.
William Barr’s Kirkland Team at DOJ & White House
Kirkland Ellis was involved in Pennsylvania’s legal challenge, with Barr even threatening, in a sly manner, Tony Shaffer, to turn over evidence to the corrupt FBI. Nothing was ever done about it. In the same vein as Hunter Biden’s laptop was declared disinformation by 51 intel operatives, many were Republican hired, and thus Neocons with axes to grind.
Tony Shaffer on his Bill Barr call.
Not to be left out is the HSBC intrigue with one James Comey. Was not HSBC a significant security threat just because of their relationship with James Comey? If one doesn’t know it, Robert Mueller as well (who testified two weeks before Epstein died), is friends with Bill Barr. (Also on Rumble the visual evidence of much of this.)
Or more pointedly, Hunter Biden was coached by his Chinese assistant, JaoQi Bao in 2018, to work with HSBC & Natixis, regarding LNG deals.
Barr Hypothesis
Bill Barr was requested to kill Jeffrey Epstein due to all the connections you know are considered “Elite”: Royalty, Presidents, and all manner of Hollywood and Business folks shown in the Epstein Files. {FOX tells us that Barr said he reviewed the Epstein footage at 37:05.}
But what else was needed? An election rigged to get Trump out - mainly because Trump got way too nosy around the Biden clan in late July 2019. (Hunter’s Rosemont Seneca Tech Partners invested in folks like Nathan Wolfe - a socialite friend of Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein). The Biden clan did have Water Island which is just a stone’s throw from Little Saint James, aka Epstein’s Pedophile Island.
All the Dominion intrigue is about who controls this company - whether through interfering with vote counts, or merely as a distraction, but a useful one, certainly. Especially, if that system distracts from overt ballot manipulation, voter roll inflation by census shenanigans, and all the intrigues caused by the likes of Zuckerberg, Bloomberg, or Sam Bankman Fried (or his mother’s Mind the Gap PAC). Below comes from Operation Virus:
In early 2022, OAN Network was cancelled by DirectTV. OAN was chiefly anti-narrative that the November 2020 election was legitimately won by Joe Biden. This messaging was not allowed – since an investigation means questioning how minimal campaigning by Biden and outsized support from billionaires at the county level (in key swing states) altered the outcome of America policy; akin to 1960, 1876, and 2000 election cycles.
Who owns DirectTV? AT&T. Why does that matter? According to “Jim Patrick” who writes for Law Enforcement Today: “look into a man named William Kennard, who was named chairman of AT&T’s board of directors on Nov. 6, 2020, a mere three days after the presidential election.” Kennard has directorate responsibilities at Ford, Duke Energy and Staple Street Capital. Staple Street owned Dominion Voting in 2018.
Kennard is a long-time Democrat Party operative, working with John Kerry, and later, appointed by Barack Obama in 2009 to an EU ambassadorship. Before that, Kennard was a managing director for the Carlyle Group from 2001 to 2009, where George H.W. Bush “worked” on Asian investments until 2003.
No matter what the is IS, BILL BARR, has changed your life forever. His 2020 stand down on the Floyd riots (he was the last AG to deploy the National Guard with the LA Riots) and his wise acre talk about election interference being bullshit, is exactly that: bullshit. Barr has yet to keep his mouth shut - and one hopes - that will be his undoing.
Holeee Fook!? I thought I was informed by reading The Last Refuge for 12 years!? I am going to have to re-shuffle payments to Substackers, Jason. You have to be rewarded for this stuff. Dang.
I have encouraged those at thefp.com to cut ties with Barr and Stavridis... and this solidifies it.
Great essay!