An Active Investigation (above): Location, Location, Location
One took it upon themselves, starting in late 2019, to do reporting and journalism. Since the mid-2000s, one had went about gathering facts, figures, stories, and reanalyzing what had been on those stories. First, it was Major League baseball in the “steroid era” (1992-2005?). That was in vogue to discuss openly on Sports Center (ESPN) nightly. But I wasn’t after their take on things. I was determined to find other truths they conveniently ignored.
I found enough interesting stories to write 2 books on baseball history (over 2005-2014) and answered those questions about steroids without the character assassination of key baseball players attached to the era. I wasn’t defending them – though I played baseball for many years, even as an adult (28 and over leagues) – but just realized the sport was much more complex than the narrative about the Cream and the Clear.
From this period came about the entity: Deep Center Field Press, LLC.
I officially registered that name in March of 2010. I was broke. I wasn’t yet as conservative (remember those Democrat Conservatives? That was likely me…) or as broadly cynical as I am at present about the future of the United States of America. I was highly cynical by knowing that:
Police lie and hide evidence
Judges are ideologically-driven and can destroy people’s lives over adhering to their ideology
Alleged victims can spin up wild stories and prosecutors will do no investigations on their claims. (Or if they do, will not disclose their collected documentation to the defense team.)
Public defenders are purely controlled opposition and just there to assure convictions.
The courts allow too many flimsy cases (and hand down harsh sentences on them) while prosecutors fail to charge the worst crimes (as we know by now).
I knew about this from personal experience. One could write an entire book on my criminal “events” – and people won’t read it. And that behavioral barrier is one among many things wrong in society and the investigative journey into topics both banal (sports) and essential (crimes committed by the rich, powerful and bureaucratically-placed).
Opening “A Case” is Like Starting A Business
To do investigations (and journalism), one must start with a lead. The lead can be a wild theory, a solidly verified document, a personal account, or other inputs (video, audio, an observation of repeated occurrences around the same person or entity (business or law firms too)). Basic research begins into the history of the person or entity – whatever the lead gives insight toward – and then determining their network and cursory motivations. Who they talk with, who they are related to, what organizations and institutional power have they access to or directly operate, all become things one can ascertain in the 21st century rather easily. People promote themselves so much – and their networks are accessible (some free, others for a price) to glean whether there is a “there, there” to pursue further.
At this point, this seems all obvious and routine. But what one must know: this is time consuming and an investment into a potentially damning case against a person, entity, or government or an exposé that people will want to know about and take action to cease its existence. (And to make it harder for this situation to repeat. That is one moral reason we dig into such people, entities, or one’s government.)
As a legitimate journalist (or investigator), one has to gather those things, in hopes the lead is legitimate and not the proverbial “wild goose chase.” It certainly helps if one has an authenticated laptop filled with files and debauchery on stand-by. But those hardly, if ever, are left behind by a highly intelligent criminal. (Such things rarely fall into the right hands for a pittance. It would also seem too planted – or too dumb – to have occurred. Or maybe, this smart guy had or was given other (RICE) incentives?)
Hunter Biden’s Hudson West LLC: LNG FILE (JiaQi Bao Created)
Email above tells you what Hunter was being buttered up to be
One’s sweat equity, like building a small business (creating a product or service), can be quickly fruitful, or wastefully fruitless. If one spends 1 hour digging into such rabbit holes, not much is lost. If one spends 8 hours that is a day’s pay. But if one spent several hundred hours, and concluded nothing untoward happened, that would be a waste of one’s time (likely too obsessed or maybe just terrible at research), like being in the DMV for many hours to obtain a license, but not having any of the right documentation.
(February 22, 2023 —- I developed a working theory, validated further on by connecting more people directly/1 step removed from Hunter. Others with more information took notice, reinforcing this situation. Here’s September 2023 analysis.)
(But now, it appears, you can get a license, a SSN#, an apartment, all in a matter of mere months – without a background check, evidently. Note: I can’t verify this video’s assertions. But there are dots of intelligence around the country (Arizona) confirming little is needed to get the opportunity to vote in the U.S. federal elections. So the video is not so far-fetched – it’s a theory to pursue. It would be worth talking to the gentleman that he mentions, and looking into the document trail to confirm validity. Of course, that also requires that: HE wants to be honest and recount the same or very similar story to an investigator.)
So as I am suggesting, investigations are not full-proof. Not finding something is also a potentiality.
How long does it take to determine that?
What motivates one to stay on that trek and for how long?
Does one know what to look for to stop or take a different track?
To Follow the Money…
One Has to Start With Some Scratch
People pay investigators (some do, at least) based on their needs to protect their assets, their family/friends or their own secrets. Hiring someone to do the legwork on an actual conspiracy theory one has that can be as simple as a cheating spouse or as difficult as stealing multi-billion dollar intellectual property while also slow-cooking the financial books. The explosive revelation that one’s closest allies or life partner is setting one up for a fall is eye-opening to how the world really works. (Though it appears some educated folks never get the memo about how highly pay propagandists can lie to their face, over and over, with a duper’s delight.)
The last one (secrets tied to the STATE) extends this pay circle into the powerful business and government entities’ arena. These folks easily have the wherewithal at their disposal to kill investigations/ors through character assassination, or untimely, unsafe but highly-effective means.
But for anyone worthy of being called an investigator, one has to have: the financial means at their disposal (to hunt where additional cut-outs are); the intellect to amass and assess huge quantities of data; and potentially, special tools/databases in place (including access to highly sensitive data collected around the world on all of us.) Most have only a cursory idea in mind in regards to who is looking at that data multiple times per day regarding: your buying habits, your children, your social media, your network of friendlies and foes alike, your business accounts, your travel patterns, your medical and genetic files, (William Binney FAFO, and he was a director at the NSA.)
Of course, that is why the government has thousands of paid-for propagandists to lie to you. The entire “media” IA complex is populated with former high Intel operatives, ranging directly from the CIA/FBI/DHS/NSA to the White House Communications staff for at least the last half-dozen U.S. Presidential Administrations. These people have TOP SECRET clearance (and above) that gives them a special placement in the media ecosystem. They are highly-paid liars and spinners of inconvenient truths.
These information agents (IA) will rapidly speed up the release of lies – known from the outset of the telling – while they will slow walk, and spin easily verifiable truths, for months if not, many years later. This assumes they won’t just maintain that lie so long it becomes “the public truth” because these agents of the government created enough “documentation” to paper over the “direct source documents” that existed at the outset. Plus, as these IA know – and have stated aloud – “no one reads” (or wants to do the deep research).
Former CIA Director Allen Dulles said that regarding the Warren Commission. (I haven’t read about the magic bullet or the lone gunman theory. Others have – and were not at all convinced.)
Such Inconvenient Truths are buried in a very deep grave along with the U.S. Constitution.
If You Want Truth…
One Must Dig For It (Passively) or Pay Someone Honest To Find It (Discretely)
People want things fast and done right. To get that in investigations, one must find someone able to handle that workload (to a large degree: it takes several people to do such things, with secure contacts in the banking, legal, social media, and intelligence sectors) to prioritize a client’s requests. It takes cynical, persistent, and truth-seeking souls to ferret out what they will. Discretion as well – something journalists lack, generally. (This one included?)
The truth may not be to one’s liking. It may even point back to the person requesting the investigation – this is REALLY BAD for the investigator, because it means: they are playing you and they are potentially very dangerous. As they have likely accessed people inside your company/network. Potentially to blow up your entire operation and bring discredit to you and to those you love. Precautions increase in this line of work when you have something (or several somebodies) of high value and at high risk.
A closed-loop passive investigation – that where you don’t trigger the monitoring the target – is becoming more difficult to do in one’s non-professional estimation. Certain sites and entities make sure they can monitor who is viewing all their data. One can create dummy/bot accounts – but IP addresses and other methods can trace who is doing the tracking. The more sensitive the information, the more “government” stops one from its accessing it through “laws.”
(The government being the most able to destruct information threads, hide it behind “national security” over-classification, and run a criminal operation right in front of the American Public (immigration laws DO EXIST) and smile about it.)
[Important Note: One has NOT DONE personal surveillance on anyone. That is more in-line with PIs work tied to corporate espionage and personal deviancy regarding relationships. Plus, the more important and powerful one is, the more Security Minions (with guns) are around to discourage any surveillance. There are ways too to accomplish this now – but those too come with the same exposure risks and threats to any investigator.]
Generally, individual investigators are less worried than others about these things. They determine the ground rules. They may get their payments as the job progresses. (I am not a pro – but one should expect 30% upfront of a standard initiation fee to do a thorough first-pass on the client’s desire (hourly or flat fee dependent); another 30%, if something (or nothing) is found, but the client persists; and 40% (plus reasonable expenses) remainder if that client wants a full work up and dossier on the people tied into the network and summary analysis.)
I wrote this as a first pass look at what I can do full-time, despite my current challenges. I can look into far more than just Hunter… (though that is a 9-10 figure deal regarding ownership by him or the Chinese of U.S. LNG assets.)
I accept leads - and will follow them where they go. Negotiated upfront.
mail to:
The American People need more investigators that can provide them truth – as difficult as some of those may be to swallow for many millions.
Yuri Bezmenov, and I am paraphrasing generously here: “You can take them to the camps, and they can see them with their own eyes, and they will STILL not believe it.”
That is the power of propaganda and ideological subversion.
If you are caught or captured the IMF will disavow any knowledge of you! This country will self-destruct in 5 minutes...