Nov 28, 2022Liked by Jason Powers

I guess you shouldn’t leave home without...a tent, sleeping bag, water, food,toothbrush,tp, feminine products (if needed), a book or two, OR figure out a way to hack that yellow back to green. Screen shot your green? These poor people. I wonder how many have committed suicide this year and how many have been able to successfully escape or tried and failed to escape? No one talks about that.

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The numbers on suicides and failed escapes would really put this all in perspective.

Here's hoping a miracle happens. We need them....boy do we.

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We are the only miracle, and it looks like it is not happening and we are sinking fast into the same Hell.

Nobody is "asleep", everyone knows what is happening. Some play deaf and dumb because their personal interests are resonating with the crimes being perpetrated on the entire humanity, some are terrified to even think about it and live in an illusory bubble of baseless safety, some are mentally deficient and just go with whatever. Few of us have a clearer view, but still don't have a clue about what to do about it.

I don't see a "Grand Finale" in all this, but merely a whimper and maybe a pop...

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It's coming here. Fast. The whole Cabal is drooling over digital id.

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