Volume I: Operation Virus w/REF FILE
The Delivering of COVID, Chaos & Communism to the United States & the World
This LINKS to REFERENCES FILE is still under edits….
There are 2,348 Links. I am through about 10% of the links as of 1/25/2025. Those that are cut off are due to their length.
Not gonna bore you with details. That’s what the book is for! I can’t tag everyone that stops in - But I just went back over my recent history; and those I either reference in acknowledgements or cited somewhere inside.
Only 2,348 citations in a 542-page book. This book could be double the length.
Up at Amazon! Kinda Replica
Up at Amazon as Paperback
Volumes II, III, IV and V are envisioned. Volume II - half in the can.
[Note: please read my acknowledgements with care.]
Take What Is Useful. Discard What is Useless. Add that which is your own. - Bruce Lee & others said similar things.
Anyways, the book will be up at Amazon very soon - its in review as paperback and Kindle replica (non-flowable PDF). Kindle Create works well with no pictures or charts. This book has both.
The content is fresh right up to January 20th, including links and the presidential pardons that Joe gave out like lollypops to bratty psychopaths.
Thanks for the mention, and for your solid work.
I’m looking forward to having it all together in book format so it can’t be corrupted or lost. Thanks for your diligent work to secure the historical background and details.