The Ghost In The DC Machine: The Surgisphere Conspiracy
The Data Manipulation Story That Vanished; But The Internet is Forever.
One has never given up the GHOST on the biggest crime perpetrated at the very outset of the Pandemic. With all the psychological warfare, media distractions, the dying in nursing homes, and the destruction of families and friendships that occurred, I suspect many were too overwrought during this absolute chaos and emotions to really get back to what people knew, did, and why and who participated in this, impacting all of Humanity while these people manipulated stories, data, and ghosted themselves.
I can say I was lucky enough as an only child, both parents dead (and single without kids) that while friendships were strained, I had an opportunity to move ahead on chasing this ghost. There were so many egregious crimes committed that no one in the Federal Government seemingly took an interest in - because they are ALL IN on them? - and so, one has to just do what State Prosecutors and Private Investigators typically do. They build the circumstantial case until enough evidence can lead to warrants for arrests, records seizure, and interrogations. So this, one prays, is that ghost of a chance that we get anywhere on the folks that made life a living HELL for years, and now, until they are stopped.
Fauci & Friends
Fauci & Gates key insider: Dr. Lindsey R. Baden, Brigham Women’s Hospital, Mass General, Boston, MA.
Baden’s NEJM deputy editorial position, FDA drug approval chair, Brigham's connection (where he is a HIV-1 researcher, page 8) has as well plenty of Gates Foundation money flowing to him through (Grant OPP1033091 and Grant OPP1092074. (On page 9, Baden's FDA CV has the wrong grant # listed)). Baden controlled & published in 2021 on the Moderna's trials (he also headed up a team regarding the trial locations and is on Moderna’s Phase 3 (FDA page 10)).
Notable too, Dr. Baden was quick to China's aid (in mid-January 2020) as he and his nominal boss Dr. Eric Rubin (the kingpin of the NEJM) were noted in a Lopinavir, AbbVIE's HIV drug, Fierce Pharma article on March 19, 2020. The drug provided no outstanding benefit compared to a “standard care” course.
Baden and Rubin were quoted in the Fierce Pharma article, noting “disappointment” and a “challenging” group of patients in the late stage of the disease. Their NEJM publication tries really hard to turn crap results into gold....even if visuals of recovery and viral load tell one the HIV drug was not significantly helpful, but their nuanced take:
"This randomized trial found that lopinavir–ritonavir treatment added to standard supportive care was not associated with clinical improvement or mortality in seriously ill patients with Covid-19 different from that associated with standard care alone. However, in the modified intention-to-treat analysis, which excluded three patients with early death, the between-group difference in the median time to clinical improvement (median, 15 days vs. 16 days) was significant, albeit modest." [My emphasis added.])
From this, it was immediately acceptable to re-trial this HIV drug with another: Remdesivir. Lopinavir and Remdesivir (at an estimated $3,000+ a pop) appeared in multiple trials: the Recovery & the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Solidarity trial against the cheap HCQ/CQ.
For Recovery: 1,860 mg of HCQ was suggested in 24 hours (pages 22, 28). This was a critical way to sabotaged a trial on HCQ, and kill the patients as well.
Meanwhile, chloroquine (CQ) and HCQ was avoided though, in 2003, in vitro studies noted impact on SARS-COV-2’s cousin, SARS-COV-1, but more tellingly: HIV as well! (Note: Zinc is noted to hijack HIV and influenza in published studies.)
Under testing conditions intended to mimic as best as possible clinical situations, chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine is capable of inhibiting HIV in vitro. This ability was shown either by overloading the cells with high concentrations of chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine before the infection…
On March 18th, Nature (Cell Discovery) published a Wuhan Virology Lab (yes, I know) paper that recommended 6 to 6.5 mg/kg per day of HCQ. Yet, this safe dosage level (300mg for a 50kg (110 lbs) person per day versus a 2,400 mg first day protocol) was sabotaged both by late trialing and 4x-8x dosing levels in COVID-19 treatments.
Timeline of Concurring (in the background) Events (Leopold Fauci FOIA page #):
Jan-18-20: Trial of Lopinavir in China. Fierce Pharma did a write up.
Jan-30-20: AbbVie’s Fernando Tatsch, MD. offers Fauci a “consultancy.” (3176)
Feb-4-20: BWH/NEJM Lindsey Baden emailed Tony Fauci about a favor. (3001-3)
Feb-9-20: Surgisphere’s CEO Desai party to multiple Illinois lawsuits.
Feb-18-20: Mike Milken is pardoned by President Trump.
Feb-26-20: Mike Milken talks with Francis Collins about vaccines. Fauci responds: “Milken can help in a number of ways including directly supporting the VRC…Pharma to step up with us, his connections could be helpful.” (339)
Feb-27-20: Dr. Julie Pavlin organized a Vaccine paper, suggesting Peter Daszak in a list of participants. Daszak would co-chair this NASEM paper that in Chapter 5 spells out a legal methodology of coerced vaccination, including by force, on children. Pavlin’s connections to HJFMRI, who were involved with the Baden-supported Remdesivir study below, received a $1,482,400 Gates Foundation grant just 1 month after the study’s publication. [HJFMRI is Henry M. Jackson Foundation Advancement of Military Medicine.]
Mar-20: Bill Gates provided Brigham’s (BWH) a $5M grant tied to: “develop a set of platform technologies to address the unmet need of dosing of patients on an infrequent basis and have the capacity to safely reside in the body for prolonged periods of time >1 month and up to 12 months.”
Mar-15-20: Senior VP of R&D Thomas Hudson of AbbVie emails Fauci and Francis Collins. Collins rerouted Hudson to the WHO lead scientist, Soumya Swaminathan on March 17th. AbbVie is the maker of Kaletra (Lopinavir). (2031)
Mar-20: Surgisphere promoted by the brother-in-law of Sapan Desai, Dr. Amit Patel in tweets since deleted. Patel co-wrote papers with his in-law.
Mar thru May-20: Surgisphere becomes highly active and promoting themselves on LinkedIn, Twitter, while backstopping data used in HCQ and Ivermectin papers, poisoning both alternatives.
June-4-20: BWH’s Dr. Mandeep Mehra disclosures noted Abbott conflicts (page 11).
Remdesivir as well was specifically pushed off weak and inclusive studies with even former Obama Administration medical czar, Dr. Zeke Emmanuel, noting the weakness of the results to Fauci (794), though Zeke later stated that, “lots of finance people called and seemed like I was a downer compared to you.” (793) Drs. Baden and Rubin were, like Fauci, undeterred as well, doing a NEJM podcast in support of Remdesivir, publishing the weak NEJM paper in full support of Gilead’s tainted Remdesivir study, and then editorializing about “Trust” regarding the FDA.
Although the EUA that was issued for remdesivir required fewer data than standard FDA approval, it relied on results from at least one high-quality randomized, placebo-controlled trial.2 But the EUAs granted for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine and, more recently, for convalescent plasma have raised the troubling concern that political pressure rather than a data-driven process influenced the FDA’s decision making. In fact, the EUA for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, issued on March 28, 2020, was withdrawn on June 15, as data from randomized, controlled trials consistently showed no benefit and potential risks.3
[My emphasis added. The quality was weak. The risks were purposefully driven - dosage - and later tied to Surgisphere fraud….see below.]

Such editorials (Baden was involved there too) were done by the NEJM in early October on the administration’s response, “Dying in a Leadership Vacuum.” Comparing the U.S. to China, both being a lie wrapped in blathering authoritarian politics (and hiding other issues), while the John Snow declaration was made. Baden’s cohorts in Boston, Rochelle Walensky and Marc Liptisch, did as Fauci & Collins requested. Launching a “devastating takedown” of the Great Barrington Declaration to further the Agenda. Dr. Walensky garnered her political prize becoming head of Biden’s CDC. The data are still coming in on that being a medically-sound decision.
More on this part of the puzzle can be found in both the Moderna and Fauci sections below.
Surgisphere & The Pulitzer Prize
CEO "Dr." Sapan Desai got away without any legal scrutiny or consequence (he even moved to Ohio with his medical licensing intact) regarding his Surgisphere datasets. His company made a mockery of the medical publications and the drug trialing process, while doing exactly what would be necessary to hijack cheap, HIV-SARS disrupting therapeutics at precisely the right time: the outset of the pandemic.
But why? Why him? Who did this obscure, once-affiliated with Duke and University of Texas doctor know well enough to get into this drama right as he faced several medical malpractice lawsuits?
Desai’s CV gives us clues to how he likely achieved his medical degree. He attended Adlai E. Stevenson High School in Lincolnshire from 1993 through 1997. There, Sapan met his tutor, ghost writer, and future employee/co-author, Thomas Koenigsberger, who taught at Stevenson, “advanced and AP chemistry, biology, general science, physical science, and anatomy and physiology to thousands of students” according to Tom’s obituary.
Desai went on to the University of Illinois and completed his PhD right as his former teacher retired from the high school game. Evidently, Desai published a 2003 Journal of Neurophysiology article that he later failed to cite the sample images which would not be duplicative in the 2013 paper.
Desai’s mentor had retired in 2002. One conjectures that Tom began, in earnest, his relationship with Desai, while at Illinois, until Tom’s death in March 2018.

Koenigsberger’s obit, references some key information:
Later he engaged in summer research at Abbott Laboratories to develop treatments for schistosomiasis, coauthored Essentials of Vascular Surgery with a former student...[My emphasis. Abbott ties to Dr. Mandeep Mehra.]
Abbott Labs spunoff AbbVIE in 2013. Surgisphere and AbbVIE share the Chicagoland location with Surgisphere which is located downtown at 875 N. Michigan Avenue. CEO Sapan Desai formally registered Surgisphere in November 2019 and even received a $21,780 PPP loan (forgiven in 2021) from the SBA on April 30, 2020 at Sapan’s Barrington, IL home.
Tom Koenigsberger received a Milken Educator/Institute award in 1988 right as James B. Stewart won a Pulitzer Prize for reporting on the insider trading scandal of the 1980s, regarding the Drexel Burnham junk bond king: Michael Milken.

After doing two years in the joint, Milken recovered, putting on the philanthropic shield of invisibility from his voracious investment appetites that reappeared in the new SPAC market. Milken, as discussed, was pardoned rather conveniently in late February 2020. And like a fine-oiled machine, Dr. Francis Collins immediately pitched Mike's inclusion in vaccines via Fauci's FOIA documents (pg. 123). This was not just an accident. (Milken’s team even created a vaccine tracking database.)
The Milken Institute hosted BARDA’s Rick Bright (who put together the HCQ EUA letter) and Dr. Fauci on October 29, 2019, discussing rapid vaccine build outs. Rick Bright would appear in the fall of 2020, after leaving the Trump administration, at the Milken Institute before heading onto Rockefeller Foundation pastures.
A mere 5 weeks before, Trump's EO on "influenza" vaccines (September 19, 2019) gave both Fauci and Bright, ENORMOUS power on any vaccine push in any emergency. Ten Federal Agencies, who seriously despised Trump (for the most part) and just 1 week after the CCP database went offline, were given a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. This executive order provided all the tools needed for a “whole-of-Federal-government” response to any Pandemic and vaccine manufacturing desires with a mentioning of public-private partnerships (sound like someone we else know)?
Quoting EO #13,887 published September 19, 2019:
“The Task Force shall be co-chaired by the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Health and Human Services, or their designees. In addition to the Co-Chairs, the Task Force shall consist of a senior official from the following executive branch departments, agencies, and offices:
(i) the Department of Defense (DOD);
(ii) the Department of Justice;
(iii) the Department of Agriculture;
(iv) the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA);
(v) the Department of Homeland Security;
(vi) the United States Food and Drug Administration;
(vii) the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;
(viii) the National Institutes of Health (NIH);
(ix) the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS); and
(x) the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA).
Who wrote this EO for Trump to sign? When did they write it? Why was this so well-timed? Or was Trump a party to this? (These are legitimate questions.)
Given the U.S. government (the DoD, no less) put in their database on November 12, 2019 a sub-grant tied to Ukraine and Labyrinth Global Health (tied as well to Metabiota that Hunter Biden’s firm Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners invested $30 million into) stating that, “SME Manuscript Documentation and COVID19 Research.”
Koenigsberger may have had (or formed) deeper connections to the Milken Institute. One cannot be sure. But there is a more plausible chain through Dr. Desai’s penchant to write books (and chapters).
A DC to Boston Hypothesis?
Toms' death in 2018 - didn't sever a Milken connection. Desai was shady; and had 4 malpractice suits - and operated like that for years, escalating his level of intentional, or, unintentional criminality, as many avoided him (SCIENCE Article). Milken - he, like Gates, moves from one hustle to the next. SPACs & Health.
The Milken Institute sits right next to the White House. The Washington Post on October 28, 2019 noted a cozy Mnuchin-Milken relationship.
He has since rehabilitated his fortune along with his reputation — and, as the Times story notes, developed close ties to Trump’s inner circle. Beyond [Treasury Secretary] Mnuchin, who took a cross-country trip on Milken’s private jet earlier this year, Milken has given coveted speaking slots at his charity’s annual convention to Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner.
Steve Mnuchin was not known for being in favor of Trump’s China trade policies as he made films that pandered to China. But would Steve use Trump’s family to steer him through a rocky time, such as the fall of 2019, into a country-wide catastrophe?
JAMA published a 2019 guide to Statistics and Methods where Desai contributed alongside Yan Ma (Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University) and 3 Brigham's hospital contributors (Adil H. Haider, Zain G. Hashmi, Andrew J. Schoenfeld).
Now, one knows this is SLIM.
Dr. Mandeep Mehra co-published with Desai and Dr. Amit Patel (Desai's brother-in-law) and is a cardiologist Head at Brigham's. Charles Piller published in Science on June 8, 2020:
Patel recently tweeted that he is ‘related to Dr. Desai by marriage’ but called that ‘old news’ and added, ‘Despite this I still do not have the information of what happened at Surgisphere.’ In addition to apparently connecting Mehra and Desai, Patel had prior connections with other authors of the NEJM paper and the preprint. David Grainger, co-author of the preprint, is a professor of biomedical engineering at the University of Utah...
Dr. Mandeep Mehra connects up with Dr. Baden and also was apart of (Mass General Rounds along with Marc Lipsitch, Rochelle Walensky and Fauci). [A Video from March 12, 2020 Mass General Rounds.]
Boston is an epicenter of massive COVID-19 pre-planning and ongoing activities (Moderna, Gingko Bioworks, Brigham’s, Harvard, NEJM, MIT, et. al). This though is NOT unexpected, based on its medical innovation prestige, but their reactions to inquiry were. As it turns out, these investigative situations are tied to (Boston) Massachusetts, (University of) Maryland, (Chicago) Illinois, (San Francisco) California, (Seattle) Washington, (Research Triangle) North Carolina, and the District of Columbia, primarily. The politics of those areas make curiosity not a high priority.
We know Dr. Baden asked Fauci for a “favor” in an email (3003) - but this was never revealed. Then this email had a HOST of others CC’ed onto that favor. This conversation goes to motivation. Why did this need hiding?
On Feb 4, 2020, Moderna vialed up their mRNA-1273 gene therapy. (Nature reported the 4th; Moderna’s SEC (the 7th) here.) Baden was long working with Gates, the NIH (prior 2015 on HIV-1, see: Moderna/NIH docs), and specifically had a August 7, 2019 FDA waiver and cursory review regarding his HIV work. Baden was the lead author on the Moderna phase 3 trial publication on February 4, 2021. Exactly one year to the day he’d asked for that favor; and Moderna vialed up their vaccine a mere 25 days after the Chinese gave them SARS-COV-2 sequence.
Or so we are told by our media and medical overseers.
The ongoing story here is: why does no one have these particular suspects under their thumb yet? And moreover, what are they likely to plan next?
Wow! This is incredible. So much to say about this. First of all, the HIV clinical trial network was responsible for the covid network that they used because it was already in place. Most of these Doctors had previously had internships or had received scholarships through the NIH. What they have is a bought and paid for Quality Control staff to go whichever way they are instructed to. They are owned. They're like the WEF Young Global Leaders and the younger sect, Global Shapers. They have hubs in the US at every port city in America. This network of HIV Clinical Trials were the authority of all things covid as far as the approvals of Clinical Trials were concerned.
Great Work Mr. Powers. I hope all, ALL those even peripherally involved in the genocide support Social Justice - seeing as how there ain't no legal justice remaining.