As I write this Thanksgiving holiday, I realize the futility in remarking on the lackluster and dearth of world leadership, the toxic levels of bureaucratic overreach and their coinciding hubris, the non-governmental parasites that hoover up billions upon billions in cash to keep the world awash in problems they never intend to solve, and the world organizations set up to blather on about how, they too can fix the world, while barely hiding their contempt for the overwhelming majority of populations. And lastly, the array of men and women in the oligarchic shadows that weaponize their financial largesse and routinely blackmail the world as they suck the life force out of anyone they desire; and whenever they are perceived to be threatened, they will push Humanity towards a Global Armageddon.
The remarkable thing about people who acquire station (or consider themselves of a class) is that they use their position to maintain only the semblance of caring, while overwhelmingly caring not. Oh, maybe at one point or juncture they attempted to be more engaged or fought a bit for the common people that they once went to schools with, played games with, learned their first marketable skill from, or were helped by in the midst of finding out they were incredibly flawed and barely able to survive if not for the goodness in most common everyday folks. But then, sure as the moon comes full, or the sun awakes daily, they abandoned their caring and were turned into just another craven opportunist – either by outside forces (blackmail) or an internal vice they cannot shake themselves from.
In any case, we of the lower classes (myself never amassing more than $20,000 in a single bank account during my 52-year run on this pebble called Earth), are not as oblivious as one might think. We didn’t get posh schooling or the accolades that you did (at some point, earned or not), but we did determine that we are not Gods, this life is terminal, and thus, we must treasure our time here while it lasts. We didn’t come to that conclusion miraculously; it took time and many mistakes, errors and defeats, at least in my own particular case.
One knows this will not be read or shared by anyone on the above “To” list. They are too busy keeping the Ponzi scheme of money, spinning; the war machine of death, killing; and the government grift of the technocratic souls, humming along. This while, We The Serfs, pay in our precious and legally-required taxes (else, To Prison We Go)! No, the Serf will not be shared out on the Twitters. Such inconvenient narratives are considered disinformation (dezinformatsiya) to those that might not quite understand why things are amiss.
It is quite alright.
Continue to keep heading Humanity towards oblivion – not tied to some climate change hustle (the Sun and Mother Earth are far, far more powerful than any man-made object, including nuclear weapons that will take most of us off the Earth inside 15 minutes) – but instead is driven by the deadly sins of Bible and practically any other Scriptures that speaks to a moral code. Man’s arrogance (that includes women too) is to feed such ego with thoughts of total control of this Earth, a puny, insignificant rock in the Universe, and also to have the audacity to think we can escape beyond this Blue Marble to other orbiting rocks to see exactly what? More rocks, of course! (As colorful as those other planets and stars may be – at their core, they are just highly compressed rocks or gases that circle around in a dance set to a cosmic tune we will never completely decipher. Get right with that idea. You will sleep better.)
Our discontentment had with a surface planet so vast – and an ocean so deep – that hardly anyone can make much sense of it all, is only had by the worst humans met. The other species on this pebble seem pretty capable to accept their boundaries, and limitations, happily. They thrive while we continue to cause our own suffering – or rather: a select few drive their pernicious selfish claptrap down into the masses to rule Humanity like predators of the deep and unknown parts of our oceans.
For one like myself, the ability to travel inside of just one country and see all the beauty there is – is a lifelong and unachievable goal to complete in full. But I have tried nonetheless. I did so this summer on an electric bike. (No, I am not a proponent of that hustle either. But it was a cheap way for a homeless man to get across the country. 6 states worth of beauty taken in before one’s body and the bike had their come to Jesus moment.)
But for those parasites at the top – who deem themselves the most worthy and ultimately the most powerful – they are but quislings in the face of this massively complex planet and its now eight billion inhabitants. Their psychopathic passions are to keep the world hostage inside their own mortal fears.
Finally, one sees that the world has regressed quite quickly due to: elite hubris, the parasitic and psychopathic obsessions of that few, and the perpetual cycle of abuse aimed at the lowest classes of folks. We shall end this rant with a quote – for it is applicable to nearly all tagged in this post.
(Some of you are witnesses and maybe friends too. Happy Thanksgiving to you all that read this far!)
“The imperviousness of economic law to political law is shown in this historic fact: in the long run every State collapses, frequently disappears altogether and becomes an archeological curio. Every collapse of which we have sufficient evidence was preceded by the same course of events. The State, in its insatiable lust for power, increasingly intensified its encroachments on the economy of the nation, causing a consequent decline of interest in production, until at long last the subsistence level was reached and not enough above that was produced to maintain the State in the condition to which it had been accustomed. It was not economically able to meet the strain of some immediate circumstance, like war, and succumbed. Preceding that event, the economy of Society, on which State power rests, had deteriorated, and with that deterioration came a letdown in moral and cultural values; men “did not care.” That is, Society collapsed and drew the State down with it. There is no way for the State to avoid this consequence—except, of course, to abandon its interventions in the economic life of the people it controls, which its inherent avarice for power will not let it do. – Frank Chodorov, “The Rise and Fall of Society”