The myriad of topics one could dive into about Trump’s 2nd term, 1st month would make this post difficult to read. So here’s a high summary:
Foreign Policy of Reintegrating the Western Hemisphere for U.S. defense and control (from Panama to Greenland)
Stabilizing two War-torn regions (Ukraine, Gaza) towards a peaceful wind down
Cutting head count at all major U.S. Agencies – especially those in charge of foreign aid, woke grants, legal administration of “targeting” policies of the Deep State
Getting his cabinet installed to further whack away at non-value added employee headcount. Transparency.
Determine what U.S. Assets are not being utilized properly - energy – and seek quickest fixes to these. (Very early here.)
Secure border and arrest violators of immigration and criminal laws.
End anything Biden ever put his signature on.
Define what terms mean. Like women and men and women’s sports versus men’s sports.
This is not exhaustive. But these have been in the news and published via executive orders. The opponents of executive orders – since these are done without Congress – forget that Congress:
Does not function to serve the Will of the People
Has Communists and Rinocrats (30-40% of Republicans are Neocon MNCs grifters not looking to be exposed too harshly to a primary challenge, thus they allowed through Trump’s nominations) running obstruction operations to all things Trump (but timed well)
Never stopped spending your money – under any administration. Ever.
Blame shifts to the Article III Courts or the 430+ Executive Agencies (which they have direct oversight over, but they don’t want you to dwell on that too much) whenever the information comes out that Congress approved ALL these pork barrel programs (Trump signed the bills. Yes!)
Leaning on DOGE
So Trump did what he could – including DOGE. Kevin O’Leary, a Canadian, thinks Trump hasn’t gone far enough. Cut deeper! Because that is what private equity does.
This is true enough. I once worked for a big garage door dealer (C.H.I. Overhead) back in 2017 and 2018. They were owned by KKR, Kohlberg Kravis and Roberts. (See below.) When I arrived, as an industrial engineering consultant, the 1,000,000 square foot assembly plant for nearly 9,000 garage doors per week, was in the midst of a Lean program ran poorly.
Workers were pissed. Rightly so.
My direct manager was fired 5 weeks into the position. The Quality Manager gone too. I was tasked to work on operator instructions after they had hacked off experienced workforce without a finite understanding of what each of those positions entailed. I then worked on loading operations. Inventory operations. Sortation and addressing SKIPS (those were items not available (door panels) even as these had to be loaded in correct sequence for daily shipments – their operations were all done by paper (manual print lists to 9 operating lines) – you can’t even begin to envision this mad house.)
The difference in production/ive operations versus the U.S. government is:
In production operations – people, even the lazy ones, still perform operations that must be accounted for if the product continues to be built in roughly to the same specifications and to meet delivery times.
Whereas, in government, most operations are excessively redundant – many, many, MANY people are doing the same tasks in 10-20, 100 Agencies – and can be streamlined with some actual common sense applied.
In a production system, you identify waste of time, material and manpower and the also the necessary steps to achieve the goal - a quality delivered product and/or service. Government rarely worries (if ever) about quality. Go ahead - complain or SUE! Good luck with THAT!
A Toggle to Geopolitics
With Trump now (gasp!) talking to Vladimir Putin, the pearl clutchers of the world are uniting to keep war ongoing because Putin is infinitely bad and Zelensky is only modestly bad. Or that appears to be the hottest takes from the experts on geopolitics with their Ph.Ds.
These experts will tell us that if one gives Putin, Ukraine, he’ll take Europe soon enough, thereafter. If Putin wanted all of Ukraine, that would have happen by now. It would have been much bloodier for him to do that – both sides have incurred well over 500,000 casualties (1.7M total estimated – but I can’t tell you WHO to believe on those FOG of WAR statistics). But that was not his goal - if his actions are seen clearly. He took back what was never Ukrainian-dominated land (Russian Speaking) and certainly not Kiev-supported since 2014 Coup.
Trump wants to make a deal with Putin to put an end to senseless dying over land and resources – the Ukrainian Blood Lands. Any idiot can take a hardline towards Putin – he’s KGB, he’s a dictator, he’s a mob boss thug, he’s a killer! Yeah. That’s a productive way to get nowhere in geopolitics.

I notice we still do business with Saudis…
I am a Sinohawk instead of a Russophobe.
The CCP has much more realistic plan and agenda to supplant the United States as the primary world power and run the world with the WEF through controlled MNCs. The CCP have the naval muscle (Merchant and Military), the economic muscle (productive plants inside their borders) and determination (historical spite) to succeed through an Unrestricted War (a war without limits or rules, nothing is off the table).
The CCP has tenderized the soft underbelly of the United States – invading it with drugs, weapons and human trafficking – using the Mexican cartels to do their infiltration of American cities well. The CCP has done so with even less visibility above the Northern Border – running drugs through Vancouver and money laundering across the Canada – US borders. (Flushing, New York and TD Banks are hot locales for all this.)
The CCP though has a short window of time. Their population is restless as without GDP growth at or above 5% and thus able to drag more Han Chinese from abject poverty to 1-step above poverty. It’s about a sliver of hope, not actualities. This as the CCP population gets older – less babies being born – but that too may be to their desires. However, population collapse can destabilize quicker than the Thanos benefits Xi may garner from it. (Less mouths to feed.)
If one thinks about it, Xi has no desire to see Ukraine’s war end quickly. It ties up Russia. It ties up the United States. It keeps European Union puppets doing his bidding. The focus is completely off him.
Which is preferable to a Paramount Leader (Xi the dictator no one is too critical of that has business in China) seeking to slowing engulf the water surrounding Philippines, Taiwan and all the countries/islands up to Australia.
The Aussies are akin to richest mineral Ukrainians of the Global South.
Australia is also like Canada, swapping in China for the United States.
(NOTE: Iraq is merely ledgered with NATO - not apart of it. Western NATO has negative assets. Minerals minus debts.)
World Economic Model: Excel File
Some Australians are soft-hearted to the Chinese. Their Prime Minister leaderships generally go out of their way to kowtow to Beijing and Xi.
So Trump is not wrong to work to end quickly Russia-Ukraine.
Bigger fish to fry lay in the Far East.
1st Month Graded Assessment of Trump 2025
Overall, it’s a strong B or B+. Nothing is ever an A. He has room to improve.
DOGE – A for deployment, B on execution, C+ on messaging ---- have to HAVE TO get this right.
Russia – B+ for talking quickly.
Western Hemisphere – B+ against doing well on discussions. Canada and Mexico will be the biggest problems.
Administrative cuts – A. He’s doing something rare if these cuts stay permanent. So I overrate this because no one has done it in decades.
Legal – C+. The DOJ has to be made to work for him. Some good here, some slow moving potential problems if Bondi and now, Kash don’t put the hammer down to the floor.
Border – looks like a B+ so far. C+ on getting the arrests. Goes to Legal.
Economy – C. He hasn’t had enough time or focus on getting this operating. He has very little time left.
Hi Jason! I would have messaged back but I think you must have to have the Apo that I don’t have. It is a very crazy world. Interesting you are still talking to Linda. Seems like that meeting was such a long time ago with the crazy last few years. It is great you are still informing the public with facts and research!