When in these dark times we are led by a government that idles on crimes and sells hypocrisy-riddled lies on policies that hampers the livelihoods of us all, the government is no longer capable of its necessary functions. The status of our institutions, who participate in political theatres and bludgeons its opposition with threats, tantrums, and tumults to feed propagandized and mesmerized loyalists, grows dimmer in prospects of saving each day. The hardiness of the citizen has grown lax and sloppy and without the stomach to hold its selected leaders to account for treasonous crimes. When in summary, the agencies and courts of law are merely façades assisting their shams, their secrets, and their sins beyond the pale in humanity’s history, the government’s moral authority is obliterated; and it is time, long overdue, to destruct those with such lofty titles, sinecures, and stations beyond their lackluster abilities and obvious pathologies.
The People provide the government’s power to regulate its overall population through ceding part of their liberty (through an accepted moral bargain, a stated Constitution) to keep peace between rival considerations. This requires that the People have a common bond as well – a language, a culture, a moral bond, a need for consideration and compromise in both normal and real crisis-filled times – in order for the most benefit to reach the most souls daily. But what happens when Extremists, non-cultural paradigms shift the basic principles of a society away from that Constitution and those Moral Bonds? That is what has happened.
We do not have a normal distribution of ideas on the law and justice. Many have complained and acquired power far beyond their abilities; and more tellingly, more to their personalities, a disorder, that precludes them from executing any rational or moral proclamations. This is by their intentions. The causation of may be seen in this simple example.
Many offer they are tough on crimes. The Prosecutor will put forth percentages won and numbers convicted while ignoring the meagerness or frivolity of these convictions, tied as well to the ignoring of crime syndicates that traffic drugs and human beings while executing money laundering operations. An enforcement officer may fill his quota with tickets and easy domestic disputes where they pick the easiest prey to throw into the shackles of the system. Meanwhile, they take bribes, ignore thugs and thieves, and play politics to ascend the ladder to the day, somehow, they will personally reform and become “tough on crime.” Meanwhile, the citizenry falls into camps either aware of these hustles; those that benefit in the ignoring – that feed their addictions or welfares; or propagandized to see progress if “their group” gets a “special privilege” carved out at the expense of their political rivals or another competing group’s expense.
Consistency is the hallmark of good law enforcement and decision making alike. The necessity for a code all knew existed, and could access readily, laid out the acceptable restrictions – through lawmakers, elected. The Code, however, must be applied uniformly; and without biases based, most notably, towards one’s political views.
For most citizens in the United States, the shameful reality is: there is an overtly complex, contradictory, and loophole-addled system at the zenith of putridity bearing down on the Common Man. The Lawfare Warfare seen daily is vindictive against the weakest, supportive of the most evil, and political to the most powerless.
The inability for a common person to defend themselves against the State’s powers comes about through conniving and immoral judges, prosecutors and law enforcement and making officials as well in the complexity alone. When their principles, allegedly to uphold law and good order, devolves into rank criminality, that of: hiding evidence, contorting reality of events to meet their own selfish ends, and misusing taxpaying citizens’ monies to seek retribution for personal or political slights, these officials are without any Moral Authority.
The labyrinth of codes and procedures created an industrial complex of lawyers. Simplicity and consistency make it easier for the accused, under long established foundations of precedent and logic, to achieve some chance of acquittal in alleged schemes and crimes that they are accused of. There is no necessity for a vast majority of laws or undue procedural games. Historically, if one saw the reasoning or the codification of a vast array of “laws” or regulations, the driving force was almost always political expediency to win a customer base – you, the people’s vote, also known as: Pleasing the Mob. This pleasing is nearly always to the detriment of long made shared sacrifices of us all – triggered as well by the loudest voice(s) who felt cheated, either real or imagined, to get a “law on the books.”
As to countries or empires, pervasive decadence becomes greatest through the misapplication and abuse of law and order by The State. The Empire, in decline, will seek to create Enemies, Foreign and Domestic, to achieve breathing room through misdirection while it continues its theft of the People’s liberties and properties. The phony wars abroad are to be kept alive through State-approved Propaganda to allow the Politically Powerful to rob the Treasury one final time. The Enemy Within tactic gets the most mesmerized people to turn into State Snitches in order to receive staggering benefits at the expense of their Fellow Countrymen. The Law is thus weaponized to achieve political ends of survival of the most sinful.
Crises, most often faked and/or overblown, allow Emergency Powers to rule the population with a heavy, whimsical and extremist hand. The ultimate solution to this Coup by Government Officials on its People is rarely attempted: Resist all Authoritarians, those without moral authority, as their obsessive quest to control millions of citizens by threats and fears and crisis.
People’s complacency toward consistent and legitimate law and order allowed this to happen. Being forever vigilant against the powers of tyranny, disobeying and protesting the usage of “appeals to authority” when their deeds are proclaimed absolutely, without any debate and without any legal recourse allowed (see below), was once a hallmark of the American Citizen’s makeup. This vigilance was not perfectly done; but existed nonetheless in Our Characters. Now, an American, will acquiesce more than ever, driven by a weak and collective desire to please their political masters that are: frauds, evildoers, and malevolent on a scale that is almost incomprehensible to these mesmerized crowds, supporting these administrative and government powers at present.
Woe is coming hard for all of us.
(Example: vaccine injury law. The inability to sue for harms was codified in 1986 and through various other legal protections. As such, the pharmaceutical industrial complex has marketed vigorously to place C-19 shots in arms whether at all needed or not. Tellingly, the key champion of this goal is Bill Gates, a known associate of Jeffrey Epstein. In this case, you are the company you keep.)
From Citizen Free Press Post:
America is a sinking ship that is governed by a corrupt Uniparty!
Never in my 86 years on this old sphere did I ever think I would see my beloved country in such a disgusting, criminal coddling, perverted mess. No one in this administration can spell moral authority, much less define it!