Certainty is a hard thing to achieve. I think that is fair to say – even to those incredibly successful overachievers that might exist out there reading this. Certainty requires substantial effort, talent, wisdom, patience, flexibility (of approach to the outcome one wants certain to occur for them), and luck never hurt either. Sans all of that – criminality, such as: cheating, rigging, lying, robbing, or murdering any obstacles in your way works at a moral price. This path, The Wall Street Mobster Intel Special TM, operates in the majority across the globe at present. One could say this always operated in the majority – and start an argument with my audience – but let’s just say, all the values and virtues us serfs were keen to teach our children about to achieve a certain goal, achievement or life path, seems to be irrelevant now that our moneyed betters have removed their masks and showed who they really are.
Some psychopathic assholes, like Bill Gates, are still trying to sell themselves as champions of the poor and little ones, from vaccines in Africa to Common Core to the United States. Gates, Mr. Epstein’s Road Dog, has never been anyone’s friend or ally. Anyone with wealth over $100 billion and still can’t rest until 8 billion people take his clot shot, get hooked on Gates’ version of AI for kids [1], reading his preferred library books, eating his fake meat, or running his garbage Microsoft Office products, never, ever was ‘your friend’ in the slightest. Gates buys his friends – the media whores that talk to him – reflecting that call girl price. (Media whores are pretty cheap.)
Gates never debates – and one should observe that all these high-wealth (HIPPO[2] Globalists) never will. They talk down to the populace and have their fellow corrupt politicians and their globalist network of corporations to impose on the entire world their latest musings (which are rehashed thoughts from their mediocre publications).
This too is how such wealthy sociopaths achieve certainty. Don’t debate. Impose through like-minded corporations. Don’t ask for buy-in or permission. Control the entire process and market through buying off any political resistance. In essence, criminally exploit and criminally label the now voiceless people – the overarching goal of national and international censorship bodies is to punish people towards such silence. Europe, the EU, just turned up the heat on tech platforms to do just that for them.[3]
Censorship regimes are not new. Without the gory details, both Nazi Germany, and later, Stasi snitches in East Germany, previews what the European Union just worked to put in play over the last decade. Seems the more things change, the more they stay certain to come back alive.
The same cancelling and censoring has been going forward since 2012 in the United States at an increasing speed. The desire for a Disinformation Board by the Biden Administration in 2022 as a follow-up to the White House’s Disinformation Dozen list (with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on said list) spoke to a direct attack on the 1st Amendment of all U.S. Citizens. The well-documented trek[6] to use various intel agencies (through intelligence connected contractors operating at top social media platforms) to curtail American liberties shows a high-level of criminal intent to violate all treasured precepts regarding the U.S. Constitution.[7, 8]
One is not very certain that U.S. Citizens have gotten the above memo regarding Their Rights. Many seem gleeful to see their political enemies silenced, jailed, their Constitutional rights abused (due process, cruel & unusual punishments) as revenge for their affiliations or their ideas held. This of course is seen through the prism of social media. But the billionaire’s HIPPO MSM has provided ample fuel to the fire – particularly: linking those ideas to the 45th President and his MAGA movement.
Whatever one thinks of MAGA – which was a standard American political philosophy not 20-30 years ago (border security, manufacturing might, minimal military adventurism, pro-American thinking and values that tie to faith in a higher power, a God) – it is not the real issue here. A go-to smear has been to say people are racist for not wanting people violating the law to enter the country (when WE DO HAVE LAWS about this multi-century procedure). Or: to want a strong middle class from building and making things that is the antithesis of Globalist financialization that created a global financial disaster coming very soon like a Cat 5 hurricane.
The spending of trillions on pointless and illegally started wars (in Iraq and Afghanistan) made the U.S. less secure; and now, we are, at present, on the precipice of a massive military confrontation against a new alliance: China, Russia, and their growing BRIC satellites [9]. Who will start this new confrontation? – well, it is likely to be the United States (D.C. ELITE).
Lastly, the overt atheism in Washington D.C. has disseminated down into education, law, media and other once-valued institutions. Guising it now as the LGBTQ2IA and a “rights” fight is to provide entryism for “trans” grooming and sexuality onto minors and forcing people into splinter groups – DIVIDE and RULE at its most degenerate.
The U.S. Federal government is running a continual color revolution with Marxist-Fascist congealing of jackboot corporate forces on the United States common population. Those forces installed Joe Biden with a 100% certainty. The Intelligence Apparatus and Corporate Globalists accomplished this by a plethora of high crimes and misdemeanors from 2017 onto the present day.[5] Time’s Molly Ball touched on the broad outline of that congealing in a February 2021 tell-enough piece.[4]
Any attempt to legally investigate the profound level of criminality from COVID, Floyd, 2020 Election to J6, leads to the D.C. Apparatus (and their state government hacks) filing spurious charges. Anyone that had legitimate evidence (emails on COVID, unusual responses to Floyd’s manslaughter, video tape on transport of ballots at 3AM, abrogation of voting laws, numerous intel operators embedded at J6) gets no MSM traction. This while the DOJ – who has been caught burying Hunter Biden’s laptop for political benefit of Joe Biden – does all it can to label parents “terrorists” for wanting their children learning math not transitioning their biological sex at twelve. Such certainties on biology – one’s sexual function – are well grounded in science. Anomalies (abnormalities) do not a 3rd or 33rd gender make.
[Edit: Above video added at 6:30PM on August 31, 2023]
But what is certain: if people continue to go along with their government’s destruction of its finances, its borders, its infrastructure, its Constitution, its children and the people’s life, liberty and pursuit of happiness (not without limitations), one can be assured to OWN NOTHING and BE MISERABLE.
One feels the certainty of that growing daily. With each multi-trillion dollar spending package that sends billions to Ukraine and $700 to Maui; with each Biden EO more focused on equity and transgenders and less on where we make our energy more robust or our kids more intelligent and innovative; or with each egregious foreign policy error that hijacks the U.S. dollar and provides our actual antagonists more ammunition to say: “the United States is a degenerate society that wars with those it can’t diplomatically approach”, WE, the PEOPLE, are certain to lose OUR REPUBLIC.
Pray (and make) my certainty, uncertain and irrelevant.
Well said Jason, and thank you for saying it.
A bit late. America sat on their as* and fully accepted the 2020 voter fraud. There is no stopping it now.